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"mommy mommy wake up"
You were woken up by the most cute fluff ball in the world, your son, jungkook. He rushes to your bed and climbs on top of you. He kisses your cheeks and jumps on the bed.

"Mommy, wake up, you need to make breakfast...ah!"

You pull him into your embrace and tickle him.you start to kiss his chubby cheeks, then his forehead, then the tip of his nose. He does the same to you. You get off the bed and take jungkook to change his clothe. He gets his backpack ready, meanwhile you take your uniform from the closet. It's not an uniform, but everyone kinda wears the same so, yea.

You walk down stairs to the kitchen and start cooking. You feel a tiny pair of hands hugging your leg, you look down and kneel to his level.

"Mommy, I want pancakes, please?"

"Sure,baby "

You take the pancake mix from the box, add milk and eggs, and put it in the pan. Jungkook runs to his room to get his backpack, and to your room to get your purse. He dashes his way to the table and puts his stuff and your stuff on a chair.

"The pancakes are ready, wash your hands". You ordered, he got his step stool and washed his hands. "All done mommy" he stated. You put a pancake with strawberry slices, beside it, a glass of milk. "There you go" you say as you put down the plate in front of him. "Thank you mommy" he gave you a kiss in your cheek.

As you both finish, jungkook puts his plate in the sink, grabs the sponge, and scrubs the plate. "There's no need for that kookie" you stood beside him with your plate and coffee on hand. "I'm a big boy, and big boys help their moms". He gave you a big proud smile, "give it to me, I'll wash it for you mommy" he grabbed your plate. You kiss the top of his head and said "thank you my baby bunny".you both get ready and head out to the car

Jungkook was holding your hand as you take him to the entrance of  the day care. "Good bye mommy" he said as he ran down to his friends. You wave and walked to the car.

Your phone starts ringing, you answer and put it on speaker.

"hey noona"

"hey tae tae, what's up?"

"You took my car, right?"

"Yea why?"

"Oh thank god, I thought I left it open and immediately thought someone took it"

"Ok, I'm sorry, I was gonna call you but I though you were asleep"

"It's ok, after all you're letting me park it in your driveway, so it's ok"

"Ok, I have to hang up I'm outside the office, bye" you hung up, parked your brother's car, and walked to the entrance. You greet the receptionist and walk to the elevator. You get greeted by your co workes, you press the floor level that you are going to. The door closes and starts going up, it makes a few stops, some people get off and some get on. You finally get to your floor level. After the door closes, you start walking to your station.

You turn on your computer, and put your purse below your desk. You work for the boss of the company, Mr.Kim. He is a bit cold towards people, he takes everything seriously. You start typing on your document when you get a call...

"Miss. Y/n, I need to see you in my office. Now"

"Yes, Mr.kim"

You stood up, knocked on the door twice, waited for his answer, and walked in, closing the door behind you.

"You needed me Mr.kim?"

"Yes, please bring me a coffee, thanks"

You bow to him and walk out, closing the door. You put a sign in your desk 'be right back' and walked to the break room, you reached for a mug, you get the coffee creamer  the sugar and coffee ground, you put hot water from the coffee maker and put all the ingredients in the water. You walk back and knock on the door, again, you waited for his answer, and walked in closing the door.

"Here you go sir. Just like you like it"

"Thanks, that's all you may leave"

He signaled you to go, and you bow. You sat back down in your desk and continued working on the document for the morning meeting. Your coworkers appear in front of your desk, giving you something. "What's this?" You ask, holding a paper bag. "We got you doughnuts". Excitedly, open the paper bag to find a box of doughnuts, sadly, there was no doughnuts. "Wow lots of doughnuts " you said sarcastically. "Well, there was traffic and we got hungry, sorry". You sigh and say "you guys don't have to get me anything". They look at you with guilt and say "it's just that you do so much for us unnie, and it's not fair" "yea noona, please forgive us". They look down, you go to the and hug them "guys it's ok, you don't need to get me anything. Now go back to work before boss finds you here" you say, and they obeyed.

"Miss y/n? I need to see you again"

You walked to his door, do what you always do, and walked in and see him standing next to the window.

"You called for me Mr.kim?"

He turned around walking next to you grabbing your hands. "I need you to do me a favor".

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now