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"Would you like to...marry me?" Those are the words you thought you would never hear, especially from him. It took you about a few 30 seconds-1 minute to respond.

"Yes, yes, I would love to marry you, yes" you started crying, Namjoon  stood up and put the ring in your finger, he kissed you for a good one minute. Jungkook started to cheer and shout "yay", "mommy and daddy are married", "best day ever" that's when you and Namjoon giggled and looked at jungkook, Namjoon bent down to pick up jungkook and carried him in his arms. "Group hug" jungkook said looking at you and Namjoon, you got closer to them and hugged them.


"He proposed?"

"Yes taehyung he did"

"Omo, noona, congrats"

Taehyung got up from the couch and went to hug you, you and jungkook just had come from the beach, jungkook fell asleep so he is in his room sleeping, you couldn't wait to tell your brother, so you invited him over.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Well, sort of, she's one of my old friends from high school "

"Aw, my baby bro got them moves" you teasingly poked his shoulder

"Noona, quit it"

Both of you laugh and talk for a while, it was getting late and taehyung noticed "well, it was fun, congratulations again noona" you hugged him and he left.

You went to check on jungkook, so you locked the front door, turned off all the lights and went to jungkook's room. You opened the door slowly to see his little body resting, you smiled to yourself and closed the door and walked to your room. You changed into your pj's, brushed your teeth and went to sleep


Time skip jungkook's first day of school

"Bye mommy" jungkook said as he ran to the entrance, you went back to the car with taehyung, "ready to work noona?" You nod and he drives to your work place. Once you reach the outside, you said good bye to your brother and went inside. You walked to the elevator, and got on, you press the button to the floor level.

You reach your floor and get off the elevator. You walk to your desk and turn on your computer. You wonder if Namjoon is in his office, so you open the door, "he's not here" you thought, you closed the door and turn around


"Hi baby"

"Namjoon! Don't scare me like that"

"Can't I say hello to my lovely future wife?" He Brought you close and kissed you,"sorry I was in a meeting, but good thing I'm here" you nod and smiled.


"Welcome to first day of first grade kids, my name is Mrs. Han and I'll be your teacher"
The teacher introduced her self to the first graders, after that, she told everyone to introduce themselves.

"Hi I'm...." He thought whether he should call him self "Kim" jungkook, or "Jeon" jungkook

"Um...j-Jeon jungkook" he lowered his head, but then brought it up again "but soon I'll be Kim jungkook" he said proudly and sat down.

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now