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After a long time, the day finally came. You woke up early to get showered, dressed, and styled. Namjoon helps jungkook with his suit, after that they go to the church. Taehyung was waiting in the living room for you. You walked down in your dress


"Hi tae"

"Omo, noona...you look amazing"

"Thank you tae "

"You ready?"

You nod. He takes you to his car and drives to the church. Namjoon and the guests are inside the church, the only people outside are your dad, your friends, jungkook, and taehyung.
Your friends fangirl over you, your father goes to you and kisses your forehead

"My baby princess becomes a queen today"


"Mommy, you look beautiful "

"Aw my baby, thank you, and you look handsome"

"Let's go"

You link your arm with his, taehyung opens the door and holds it open. First your friends go in in a line, then jungkook with the rings in a little pillow. At the end of line, you go in, people stand up and look at you in awe. Your eyes meet with namjoon's

Namjoon's POV

"Is that...y/n?" Namjoon felt like crying of happiness, i got shy and covered his face. My friends were telling me to calm down, and to be happy. Of course I'm happy, I'm about to marry the woman I love the most

Y/n and her father made it all the way to me, her dad gave her one last kiss, and he told me "take care of my daughter and grandkid for me" I nodded my head and held her hand, before the priest started I whispered to her "you look beautiful, as always"

End of POV

The priest started the ceremony, after a long speech he said "please bring the rings" you and Namjoon looked at jungkook walking slowly while repeating to himself "don't drop the rings" when he finally made it, you both grabbed the rings and jungkook cheered making everyone laugh. You bend to kiss his cheek, Namjoon kisses the top of his head, and jungkook stands next to you.

"Now please repeat, I Kim Namjoon " Namjoon looked at your eyes

"I Kim Namjoon"

"Will take this woman...as my wife and my best friend , in health and sickness, in wealth and poor, until death separates us"

"Will take this woman as my wife and my best friend , in health and sickness, in wealth and poor, until death separates us"

He placed the ring in your finger, "now miss, please repeat after me" you made eye contact with him

"I Jeon y/n"

"I Jeon y/n"

"Will take this man as my husband, and best friend, in health and sickness, in wealth and poor, until death separates us"

"Will take this man as my husband, and best friend, in health and sickness, in wealth and poor, until death separates us"

You placed he ring on his finger, "now I pronounce you husband and wife...you may now...kiss the bride" he didn't even wait a second, Namjoon pulled you to him and kissed you passionately. Everyone stood up and clapped their hands together cheering for you and Namjoon. Kookie hugs namjoon's legs, making Namjoon break the kiss, he looked at kookie and lift him up, all of you made a little quick group hug. Namjoon placed jungkook down and kneeled in front of kookie.

"Hey jungkookie, I want to thank you for letting me marry your mommy, I love you both more than I love my life. Thank you for winning my heart" Namjoon hugged him and kissed his cheeks, then he stood up and held his hand, you look at them and smile



Namjoon carries jungkook and hooks his arm with yours, both of you walk to his car to the party at a small ballroom,p you both rented.


At the party

Namjoon, you, jungkook, taehyung, your parents and his parents were sitting in a table. Jungkook said "mommy, should we do it now?"

Namjoon looked at the both of you and said "do what?" You and jungkook giggle and say "we have a surprise for you". The three of you walk to the gift table and call everyone's attention with a microphone, "excuse me everyone, first of all, I would like to thank all of you who took your time off to come to our wedding" you handed the microphone to jungkoo because you were looking for the box, "yea, me and mommy have a surprise for daddy"

Once you found the box, you placed it on a chair, everyone gathered around you and waited for the surprise.

Namjoon kept asking what's inside, but neither of you answered his question, the only thing you said was "open it". He nervously opened it, there was a fluffy white blanket , he searched around until he found this

"Wait-this-where-this-is-this is-you got this?" You nodded, he looked surprised and he couldn't contain his laughter and smiled widely

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"Wait-this-where-this-is-this is-you got this?" You nodded, he looked surprised and he couldn't contain his laughter and smiled widely.."are we-?" You nodded and put your hands covering your mouth, Namjoon kneeled on his knees in front of you and started crying, you grabbed the microphone and said

"Namjoon, we're having a baby" everyone geared of joy, and clapped their hands together, jungkook hugged Namjoon, Namjoon rested his head on jungkook's shoulder, "ima be a dad" he said shouting happily. He stood up and kissed you, the he picked up jungkook and kissed his cheeks and tip of his nose ,The three of you hug.

After the party you, Namjoon, and jungkook went to his home, that's now your home too. You all changes into something comfortable and lay down in bed, jungkook comes in and lays in namjoon's chest. Namjoon caressed his back gently.

"Did you liked your surprise?"

"Yes, but wait, ho many months are you in?"

"One month, 4 weeks, almost two months"

Jungkook laid in the middle and cuddled with you. After a long day the three, well, four of you went to sleep.

And this my friends, is a happy ending... A happy ever after

...or is it?

End of story


Thank you  all of you who read this story, I worked so hard to make all of you satisfied, I hope it worked. I love y'all, take care


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