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I might just say random words, cuz that's what I've seen in tv or movies about businesses

"Ok let's get this meeting started"

Namjoon said sitting besides you, you would type  the minutes of the meetings, meaning you would type all the ideas and projects they had in mind, you basically typed everything they said in your computer document.

"If we start a new project, this could take us up a step. Other companies can also help in this, it's kind of like a "fundraiser", and it would help us a lot too"

"I agree, but we have to keep in mind that we can't risk all our money in a project that just involves helping public school, we should also be thinking of how much we have for a budget in each of this so called projects"

"How about...we just don't do the project. If we spend more than we are already spending, it can lead the company to go broke"

"We'll continue with this tomorrow, everyone dismissed" Namjoon finally said. As everyone went out of the meeting room Namjoon slammed his hands in the desk, he was so frustrated, you rubbed his back "everything will be ok, don't worry" namjoon looked at you and half smiled.

You both get out of the meeting room and went back to your station. Namjoon went in his office, you went to the company's kitchen to make a tea for him.

"can you believe that our so called boss is doing nothing, but listen to them talk"

"I know"

You ignored them and made the tea, you headed back, knocked twice and went in, you saw Namjoon resting his head in his desk.

"Joonie ah, I brought you something" he looked up and saw the tea cup, he smiled getting up to be closer to you. "Thanks babe" you put the tea cup down and held his hands,"you should rest more. Oh by the way, I'll bring you the minutes in a bit" he nodded giving you a kiss on your forehead.

You went back to your desk and printed out the document, you also send a copy of it to his computer and to your laptop at home.

You entered again placing them down on his desk. Namjoon was looking at his phone, he smiled, you catch a glimpse of what he was looking at, it was a pic of him, you, and jungkook. He swiped to the side to see another pic, this was one of jungkook smiling, working on a sand castle.

"You really love my baby don't you?"

"As much as I love his mother"

"Any way I came to drop the minutes of today's and yesterday's meeting"

Namjoon sighed

"I really don't want to do this project. Just a waste of money"

"If you don't want to, then don't"

Namjoon looks at you tired, he just sighs again. "Good thing it's only 5 minutes till we leave, good thing we have half a day "

"I'll go back"

You kiss his lips and walk out. This project was sure consuming him. The project was about investing in  a day care in the business, but it meant for Namjoon to do more paper work and there's no space to do that

You turn off your computer and clean your desk, you stood up grabbed your purse, and just when you were going to walk out..

"Y/n, do you and kookie want to spend the night at my house?" Namjoon said looking at you with lovey Dovey eyes. "I don't know, I don't want us to be a bother" Namjoon just shook his head sideways "you two would never be a bother, come on, you know what? Two nights, what do you say?"

"I guess we could..."

"Great, come on"

He took your hand, and held it, all the workes there looked at you two shocked, but you couldn't care less. Once you two reach his car you say  " let's pick up kookie at the day care" you say giving him the address. Once you reach there, you and Namjoon got off and walked inside to see a classroom full of kids doing crafts.

"Oh there's kookie" Namjoon said smiling so wide that his dimples were so deep, all the parents were cooing at their kids play. Kookie raised his head to see a bunch of strange parents with their phones out. His attention got caught by someone.

"Daddy!" He ran to the window he waved to Namjoon and send him a flying kiss

Namjoon sent it back, making jungkook giggle, the bell rang meaning it was time to go. All the parents walked inside the classroom to walk to their kids, you took namjoon's hand and walked with him to kookie.



"Ouhhh, I missed you my little cute bunny"

"I missed you too daddy"

The teacher came to you and Namjoon. "Hi I'm jungkook's teacher, I thought you said jungkook didn't had a dad" of course jungkook didn't listen since he was getting his back pack from the shelf


"I'm her boyfriend, Kim Namjoon"

"Nice to meet you, so you're not his dad?"

"No, he just calls me that, but I'm ok with it"

Some parent came to the teacher with her kid, so you Guys went to jungkook, jungkook took something and put it in his backpack, and jumped in namjoon's arms "did you miss daddy?" Namjoon said poking his little cheeks, jungkook nodded his head

"Guess what baby?" Namjoon said driving to your home


"We are going to spend two nights in joonie's house"

"Like a sleep over?"



Namjoon held your hand and stopped at your house, the three of you went to your home inside, Namjoon and jungkook went to jungkook's room, while you took a back pack for you and jungkook, putting clothes of both in I the back packs.

Mean while...

"Daddy I made something for you" jungkook said while going to his day care backpack

"Look, it's me, mommy, and you"

Namjoon smiled, then he asked "who's this little girl?" He said pointing to the character

"That is my baby sister, but I don't have one...but I want a baby sister"

Namjoon looked at him then the drawing, then back at him

"I also made another drawing....its me and you and mommy, riding a dinosaur, saving people"

"It's amazing baby, thank you" Namjoon said kissing the little's cheeks

"Let's go see what mommy is up to" Namjoon said folding the drawings I
And placing them in his coat pocket. Carrying jungkook in his arms

"Y/n? Are you ready?"

"Yea, let's go"

He handed you jungkook, so he could take the backpacks. After jungkook and Namjoon where in the car, you locked the house, and walked to the car

Jungkook was feeling sleepy, lucky you all reached his house before he fell asleep, you took jungkook, Namjoon took your bags, he opened the house and leaded you to the room, his room.

"You can lay jungkook in my bed"

"Mommy, daddy, are you going to sleep in an other room?"

"We are going to sleep with you"

After that jungkook closed his eyes and slept the whole afternoon

Namjoon put a blanket over his body and kissed him in the cheek, both you and Namjoon headed down to the living room. "It's nice to get out of that suit"

Namjoon said sitting in the couch

"Wanna watch something?"


You chose a funny movie and sat next to Namjoon, cuddling

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now