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You were shocked to his request, you never thought he would ask you, not even in a million years. But what shocked you the most, is that he came to you.


"Um, Mr.kim, this is..not ok"

"Look you just gotta be my fake girlfriend for two months, after that, we'll go back to the boss-employee relationship. Please? I'll even pay you the double"

Knock knock

He got started at the sudden knock, he was used to you calling him and telling him that someone wanted to see him. "Come in" he said. The door opened, revealing a man. He sees Mr.kim, then you and he bows."how are you son?"He asked. Heading to the both of you. "This must be y/n, hello sweety, I'm mr. Kim, namjoon's father. I'm so honored to meet his girlfriend". As he said that, you look at Namjoon stuck. He then replied "uh, yes this is y/n, my girlfriend".

You look at his father and smiled awkwardly.

"Um yea, I'm his girlfriend"

"So what you need dad?"

"I came to invite the both of you to your mom's birthday"

"I don't think I can-" you get interrupted by Namjoon, "of course we'll go, I want her to meet mom already, mom will love her"

After a few minutes his dad left, you walked away from him and sat down in the sofa that he has in the office. He follow you and sat down in front of you, held your hands and said

"Please, I told them I had a girlfriend and I don't want to disappoint them"

"But mr.kim-"

"Please, just for two months..."

"It's just that....I have a son, a 4 year old son, and I don't want to leave him with my brother, as he also works hours away, and comes back late and-"

"Then he'll come with us, just please, be my pretend girlfriend"

"O-ok, when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning", your eyes widened and he said that. You had no idea it'll be that soon.

"You may leave now, go home and prepare your bags"
You stood up ready to leave when he said "thank you" you look back , he walked to you and hugged you, when he released, you ran out and drove your brother's car to your house. Once you got there you got greeted by your baby boy.

"Mommy, I missed you"

"I missed you too baby"

"Hey noona"

"Hey tae, thanks for picking up jungkookie...um, can we talk? Baby, can you go upstairs, I want to talk to uncle tae about adult business"

"Ok mommy, good night uncle tae"

He ran to his room, taehyung looked at you with a worried look, you pulled him to the couch and sat down. He asked a lot of questions to why you came home like that. You explained the situation. He was also shocked to what he hear.

"What about kookie? You know I go out of state sometimes and come back weeks later"

"He said I could bring him"

"You sure sis?"

"I don't want to get fired tae, so I have to do it. Please understand"

"I just, don't want nothing to happen to the both of you"

"Don't worry tae. You should go home now, you must be tired, here are your keys"

He stood up and hugged you, and walked to the door, and closed it. You walked up stairs to make kookie a bag and then Yours,Few minutes later you heard a knock in the front door. "Tae must have forgotten his wallet, again" you walked down the stairs to the front door, once you opened the door, it shocked you who it was.

"Hello miss. Y/n"

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now