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You woke up due to noise. You turn around and see Namjoon placing his feet in jungkook's chest to lift him up in the air. Jungkook giggles and Namjoon laughs.

"I'm iron man, daddy"

"Yes you are"

Namjoon put him down and brought him Close to cuddle with him. Jungkook poked his cheeks making Namjoon show his dimples, beautiful dimples. "Are you and mommy going to marry?"

Namjoon smiled and said "one day I'll propose to her"

"P-po-pose? Jungkook said trying to say what his daddy has said

"Propose baby, he meant propose" you said as you scoot next to Namjoon, "morning babe" you say as you kiss him in the lips

"Morning beautiful "

"Ew don't kiss" jungkook said covering his eyes

"Today is our last day , tomorrow we have a meeting with the other companies" Namjoon said looking at you, he then kissed you in your cheek. "Ok, I already have the documents ready" both of you stood up and went downstairs. Jungkook was being carried by Namjoon, all of you went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Do up you guys want pancakes?"

"Yay, pancakes"

You laugh turning around to get the pankake mix , the eggs, the milk and butter. You mix it and put butter in the pan, then you pour the mix. "Mommy I wanna help" he said  hugging your legs. "Baby, how about you get milk in your cup" you hand him a cup and he happily accepted, the first pancake was ready, you gave it to jungkook, he poured some syrup and ate it, "daddy, try some" jungkook said getting a piece with the fork, "say ahh" Namjoon opened his mouth wide open for the pancake.

The next two pancakes were ready and you gave one to Namjoon, you both ate while talking about the meeting. "We're leaving today in the afternoon" you nod, once you were done, you picked up the plates and washed them, you went upstairs with jungkook to change from your pj's. Namjoon said that they needed to leave in about an hour or so because he needs to prepare something at the office, so he grabbed your bags, his bag, and took them to the car.

"Take care of him for me y/n"

"I will"

"Bu-bye granny" jungkook waved from his car seat

"Take care mom"

You and Namjoon got in the car and drove away from his mother's house. After a few hours, Namjoon went to drop you and jungkook.

"Wait, does this mean daddy is not gonna see me?" Jungkook said looking at the both of you

"Maybe not, remember, he has work"

"I can still come by, babe" he said kissing your lips "don't worry my baby bunny, I'll come by anytime you want" he said kissing his cheeks

"Do you want to come in?" You asked him grabbing jungkook's hand, "yes, please daddy?" Namjoon couldn't say no to his baby "yay, I'll show you my room, come daddy" he took Namjoon upstairs while you followed them.

"You have a nice room" Namjoon looked around to find everything clean and tidy. He saw some pictures on his night stand, he picked one up, and stared at it, it was a picture of jungkook and you when he was born. He picked another one, it was one picture where he was a baby, having chocolate all over his mouth while sleeping. He saw one last picture, where jungkook had a diaper in his head, and naked from the bottom, laughing while looking at the camera.

"Yea, that time he wouldn't let me put on the diapers so he put one on his head" you said back hugging him, "he is so cute"

Namjoon got a call from the office which meant he had to go, he said bye to you and bye to jungkook, once he left you started to unpack. After minutes...or hours, you laid down in bed and started to think of last night.

Your POV

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"...yes, I would love to"
You both kiss, a long, passionate kiss

End of flashback

Text message from: annoying alien tae👽❤️

wassup noona

Hi tae tae, need anything?

Well, I bought kookie something he has been asking
Can I go see him?

Sure, but hurry cuz he's falling asleep

Ok, I'm on my way, make dinner

End of text

It took me a few minutes to get my lazy butt out of bed. But I ended up cooking chicken with rice and potatoes. While everything was being cooked, I went up to check on kookie. I saw him drawing, so I decided to ask

"Hello baby, what are you doing?" I said sitting in the floor

"Hi mommy, I'm making something for daddy" jungkook looked up at me, then continued drawing

"What is it? A drawing?"

"Yup, see? It's me and daddy and you and my new baby sister....I want a baby sister" I blushed at what my kookie said...he wants a baby sister?

"But baby, don't you think it's too early? Plus me and Namjoon aren't married...which means we can't have babies yet"

"...I still want a baby sister"

Ding dong

"We'll continue this later" I said standing up walking away from the room to the front door. I opened the door to find my brother. He hugged me tight and walked to kookie's room. I walked to the kitchen, tasted the food, everything seemed to be good so I turned off the stove and served me, tae, and kookie some food.

They joined me a few minutes later, we talked about the trip and what he did while we were gone. After dinner he left.

"Mommy, uncle tae tae gave me the indoraptor...I can finally go hunting " he said exited, I washed the dishes and went upstairs with kookie. I laid down with him for a few minutes

"Kookie, do you love Namjoon?"

"Mhm, he's the best daddy ever"

"Would you like for me and Namjoon to get married?"

"Yes, yes, so we can be a family, and so mommy can be happy"

I kissed him in the top of his head, and waited for him to fall asleep, after he fell asleep I turned of the lights and walked out, closing his door, I brushed my teeth, and thought about what kookie said...."so mommy can be happy..." I shake it off and went to sleep

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now