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Your alarm didn't wake you up, your son did. Jungkook was laying in your bed sleeping next to you, you almost got a heart attack thinking you were going to be late for work....but then you remembered today was your day off, so you just went back to sleep, and waited for the alarm to wake you up

Beep beep beep beep

You didn't even get 10 seconds of sleep, you groan and turned to jungkook to wake him up, "kookie, time to wake up for daycare" jungkook spoke up with a soft sleepy voice "ok mommy" he sleepily got up, stumbling as he took steps. You went to help jungkook take a bath, putting about a few plastic bags on his arm to cover the cast. After the shower you dried him up, removed the bags and helped him get dressed.

"There you go, my little baby ready to go...oh kookie, good news" you said as you were searching for his coat

"What is it mommy?"

"You start school in 4 weeks, aren't you exited?" He just nodded, you helped him out his coat on "is it hard mommy?" He said looking at you "no, it's fun,you'll make a lot of friends"


"Bye kookie have fun" you waved at him as he ran to some friends. You walked around the streets, it felt nice to be out of the office, you walked to the convince store, you grabbed a gallon of milk, some chips for you, beef noodles, and a lollipop for jungkook, why not? It's Friday after all. You paid for all of that and walked home.

9:03 am

You decided to eat your beef noodles, you took a small cooking pot and put some water in it, you turned on the stove and placed the cooking pot on top of it, you placed the noodles and waited for them to get cooked...

About a few minutes you placed the noodles in a small deep plate, then took a fork and ate them.

9:45 am

You decided to take a nap, but you were interrupted by your phone

Joonie❤️ is calling


"Hi babe, how are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm sad, you didn't came to work"

"Well it's my day off"

"Yea I just found out, I miss you babe"

"Me too baby"

"I gotta go, I have a meeting, but I'm getting off early, so can I come by later?"

"Sure, good luck in your meeting baby"

"Thanks love, I love you"

He hung up, now you got to close your eyes and slept.


Your phone woke you up, you were receiving a call from Namjoon, you wondered why, so you answered.


"Baby, you overslept"You look at your phone, 2pm "um, what do you mean I over slept?" You heard a familiar small voice "mommy" then it hit you. You haven't picked up jungkook from day care, "shit I'm on my way" you stood up and put shoes on

"Don't worry I'm coming to your house, see you in a bit babe, bye" he hung up. You flopped on your bed and closed your eyes..."I'm the worst mother ever" you thought, you went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Ding dong

You went to the door, "mommy, I missed you" you carried jungkook in your arms and hugged him, "I'm sorry baby, I over slept" you invited Namjoon in, jungkook went upstairs to drop his backpack

"Thank you so much babe, but how did you know it was time to pick him up?"

"The daycare called, apparently jungkook gave them my number"


"You wrote it in his notebook in case of an emergency, they tried to contact your brother, but he wouldn't pick up"

He kissed you, and you kissed back, you thanked him a bunch of times, he had to leave because he still had some work, but he promised to be here by dinner time, he was going to take you and jungkook ou.

Jungkook came down to say good bye to him, after he drove off, you made food for you and jungkook

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now