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Continuing on where I left



"When am I gonna take this white stuff off?"

"The cast?" He nods " just 2 more weeks, baby"

You were getting ready, you were doing your hair, mean while jungkook was relaxing on your bed, wondering when he was going to take the cast off. Namjoon called saying to get ready, as he was going to take both of you out for dinner. You wore a white dress with a "v" cut and white heels, jungkook wore a white shirt, and khaki pants. Namjoon got there while you were still getting your make up done, jungkook went to open the door and came back in namjoon's arms. Now both Namjoon and jungkook were laying down in the bed

"Mommy, do I have a tie?"

"For what?"

"I wanna dress like daddy, I want to be daddy's double"

"Like a twin?" Namjoon said

"Yea, I wanna be your twin daddy"

"Um...I think you have two or three, go check"

Jungkook stood up running to his room, Namjoon sat up and walked to you and back hugged you, "you look amazing" he whispered in your ear, you smiled and continues to apply blush. He started to kiss your neck, leaving small wet kisses in your neck. You stopped as he started to kiss in your sweet spot, he continued to kiss there when he heard a small moan escape from your lips.

"Ah, Namjoon, stop jungkook might come in"

"But it's fun, and this is just the beginning, imagine what I'll do when-"

"Mommy I found it" jungkook came in running with a tie in his left hand Namjoon kneeled to his level and helped him,"there, just like daddy" he said making a fist bump. "Alright I'm ready" you said putting the brushes away and closing the lid from your eye shadows and blushes. You got your purse, your phone and grabbed the keys, and headed out locking the door

"Where are we going Joonie?"

"It's a surprise"

Namjoon said winking and taking your hand to kiss it. It took a few hours but you finally reached a restaurant. A fancy restaurant.

"Kim reservation for 3"

"Over here follow me"

The host said taking you to a table, she said that your waiter will be coming soon and she left. You sat in the middle between jungkook and Namjoon, the waiter came and took your orders, and left.

"How was work daddy?"

"It was tiring, but I'm happy to be with both of my loves"

He leaned and kissed you, jungkook was just giggling, the waiter came to drop your orders. Namjoon and you ordered a medium cooked steak with potatoes in the side, Namjoon ordered a small hamburger for jungkook with French fries on the side.

"Mommy, what's that? Strawberry juice?" Jungkook asked pointing to your glass, "that's red wine baby" you said taking a sip of it, "can I try it?" You gave him a small giggle and said "baby, this is for grow ups only, maybe when you grow up" after that you planted a kiss on the top of his head.

You all ate your food, ordered dessert, and left. Jungkook decided to go to the beach, so Namjoon drove over there.


Once you reached the beach, Namjoon took jungkook in his arms and whispered something in his ear. You look at the suspiciously

"Ok daddy"

Namjoon looked at you and smiled, ready to go and walk around. Jungkook ran free, feeling the sand in his toes, you and Namjoon walked holding hands, looking at jungkook all happy.

After a while, jungkook was being carried in namjoon's arms, you looked at them, and smiled at the scene in front of you.



"There's...something I must ask"

He stopped in front of you, jungkook started giggling, "I thought you were sleeping" Namjoon put him done and kneeled in front of you pulling out a ring that was placed in a red box.

"Y/n, since I decided to take you as my fake girlfriend, I had no idea that I would be loving you this much" he stopped and looked at jungkook, he pulled jungkook towards him and placed an arm around him, "I would like to be a role model for jungkook, I would like to be with him day and night, I also didn't know that I would love this little baby so much. I want to be his father" you started to get Teary, "but first, I would like to say this...would you like to be my partner in crime? Would you like to be there every day when I wake up? Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me? Would you like to marry me?"


Will y/n say yes? Will she say no?

Read next part to find out

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