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"Yah, stop" you said

"Mommy will get it" jungkook screamed

"I'm coming for you jungkook" Namjoon told jungkook

Every one was still playing in the pool. Namjoon seemed to get closer with jungkook. You looked at them, jungkook seemed happy, that's all you wanted, to see your baby happy.

"Hey I have an idea " Namjoon said to jungkook, "what is we go for a walk in the beach?". Before you could say anything, jungkook got excited and "YAY THE BEACH" he got out of the pool and waited for you, "c'mon mommy, help me dry" you sigh and walk out of the pool. You grab one of the three towels and wrap it around his little body. "Don't go in yet, or you'll get the floor wet". You grabbed one of the towels remaining and put it around your body. Namjoon came and took the last towel to dry his hair, "we'll go at sunset" Namjoon stated, and walked inside.

"Ok let's go take a shower" you hold jungkook in your arms and walked inside, up to your room. You take an outfit for you, and an outfit for jungkook, Namjoon came out seconds later with a towel around his waist. "Ok mommy, let's go" he pulled you to the bathroom. 48 miutes later both of you came out dressed, "are you ready?" Namjoon asked while looking at you both, "yea, I guess we're ready" you said grabbing your purse and phone.

Time skip the beach

"Wow, look jungkook, all the white sand" you were looking everywhere, miles of sandy path. "Mommy, I want to go play" jungkook whined, "ok but stay close", jungkook nodded excitedly and ran around.

"You don't do this often do you?"

"No, I'm always busy with work"

You walk towards jungkook and help him build a sand castle, "I'll help you guys" Namjoon said kneeling down, placing his knees in the warm sand. "Jungkook, how about you collect some shells?" Namjoon asked looking at him, jungkook gladly accepted, took his bucket and went out to find shells. "Hey can I ask you a question?" Namjoon stopped with the sand castle and looked at you. "Sure" you replied. Namjoon seemed hesitant, but asked anyways, "what happened to his dad?". It was sad to remember about that, you look at him, "you don't have to answer" Namjoon said, noticing your sudden mood change.

"Well, me and his dad, were a couple. We loved each other, or so I though. When I found out I was pregnant, I thought it was my opportunity to make or have a family. I told him, hoping he would get excited knowing we were going to be parents..."you stopped as you felt a tear rolling down, you quickly wipe it.

"but, he wasn't happy about it, he refused to accept that jungkook was his kid, so he said ''it's Either him, or me...choose'', and I didn't hesitate to choose my baby, that was waiting to be born. But what he said lastly hired the most" you started to sob softly, he noticed that.

"He said, 'that's not my child, he never was, and he'll never will, useless child". Namjoon seemed to looked shocked, as you follow his gaze, you felt the world stop. "Mommy, daddy never loved me?" He said with Teary eyes, threatening to drop tears. He ran to you and hugged you "mommy, was I a mistake?" He said hurting. "No, baby, you're- why would you say that?, I love you" you hugged him tight. Namjoon joined the hug.

Hours passed, jungkook had fallen asleep in namjoon's arms, you turn to look at your baby, you smiled and kissed him. "I'm sorry I asked that, y/n. Please forgive me" Namjoon said stopping his track and looking at you with guilt. "He was going to find out sooner or later, I never thought it was this soon". Namjoon and you continued to walk, you guys made your way back to his mother's house. You opened and closed the door of the front door and your room door for him. You move to the bed and removed the sheets,He laid jungkook under the sheets and covered him.

"I'm sorry you found out like this baby" you said to his sleepy body. You leaned and kissed his forehead. Namjoon got on the bed, laid next to jungkook and hugged him, giving him a kiss in the cheek, you changed to more comfortable clothe and laid on the other side of jungkook. You look at your baby, and see that Namjoon was hugging him, you smiled at the image in front of you, and went to sleep.

Next morning

You woke up and sat up, you look to your side, to find two sleeping boys. You get up and take a shower, you wear shorts and a tank top and some vans. You move Down stairs to find his mom. "Ugh, this doesn't look right, I don't remember how I did it" his mom struggled to make a recipe. "Morning, if you don't mind, I could help you" you offered, his mom looked at you and smiled relieved, "thank you sweetie", she explained what she was trying to do and it hit you "oh, I make that for jungkook on his birthday, I know how to do it" you grabbed an apron and got the Ingridients, you poured milk, butter, eggs, baking soda, and the flour mix. You stir in circular ways, put it in a cookie sheet and shoved it in the oven.

"Morning" Namjoon walked in the kitchen with a cute half asleep kookie in his arms, "look who woke up" you smiled, went to Namjoon and grabbed your baby "morning kookie, how did you sleep?" You asked, hoping he would forget about yesterday, he raise two thumbs up, "say thank you to Joonie" he raised his head and said "thank you Joonie" Namjoon was touched by the sudden nick name, so he got closer to both of you, and kissed his cheek.

"Oh, smells good, what are we making?" Namjoon asked

"Your favorite" his mom said, walking out the kitchen, then she came back "I'm going to the grocery store, I'll be back in a while" you both nod.

"What was she making?" Namjoon asked, trying to look at the oven. "She said not to tell" you said walking to the couch. You sit down turning on the tv, putting a blakent over you and kookie, Namjoon came and sat down next to you "Im hungry" you were about to answer when a small sleepy voice spoke up "me too mommy" you sigh, "do you guys want bacon and eggs?" They both nodded. "Here take care of my baby" you hand jungkook to Namjoon, and cover him with the blanket, before you walk away, you lean in and kiss his chubby cheek multiple times, making him giggle. "I want one too" Namjoon said with a smirk, "no" you walked a few inches and he said " I'm your boss" you turn around. You were going to kiss him in the cheek, but he moved your face so you ended up kissing him in the lips, "delicious" he said liking his lips, you blushed and walked to the kitchen quickly.

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now