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"Mr.kim what are you doing here?"

"You forgot your bag"

He hands you your bag, you invite him in to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. He talks about what you should know about his parents and how you should talk to them. Then a little baby joins the kitchen.

"Mommy? I can't sleep"

He stops mid way, in the kitchen entrance, he runs behind you with his bunny stuffie, looking scared. "Mommy, who's that man?" He asked with a sleepy voice. Namjoon just chuckles. "Baby, this is my boss, mr. Kim Namjoon, say hi". You hold his hand gently to pull jungkook out from the back of your chair where he was standing, he sits on your lap and says "he-hello Mr. Kim, I'm jungkook" he said, still scared, what he's s just 4. Namjoon chuckled again showing his dimples " hi, jungkook, it's nice to meet you too". Jungkook could hide his fear so he asked you in a low voice, well he tried "mommy, why is he here?".

"Well, tomorrow we will go on a trip with him. That's why I came to your room to take some of your clothes"

"No! He's gonna take my iron man pj's"

Namjoon laughed at his cuteness and cooed "no kookie, I'm not going to take your iron man pj's, I just need to take you two with me". Jungkook got more scared and he started to cry " no! I promise I'll be a good boy mommy, I'm sorry for coming in the kitchen at night to eat the cookies. Please don't let him take me". Both of you laughed at his reaction, "baby, he's not going to take you, I'm going with him, which means you're going to come with me. It'll be for a while, ok?" You say while wiping his tears away, you kiss his cheek and you make jungkook chuckle. The loud cry 's reduced to soft sobs. Namjoon stood up and kneeled in front of jungkook "don't worry, it'll be for a while, like your mommy promised, ok?", jungkook nodded and smiled.

"It's getting late i should get going, I'll come by tomorrow at 7:30, be ready"

You nodded

You walked him to the door with a sleeping kookie in your arms, he looked at him and then you, "can I give him a kiss?" You were surprised but agreed. He leaned in and kissed his cheek, after that he looked at you and said "night miss. Y/n" and walked away to his car. You closed the door, locked it, and walked to jungkook's room. You place the Jurassic wold "blue the raptor" cover over his small body, and kissed him in the forehead. You walked to your room and finished your bag. You place it in the dresser, changed your clothe, and laid down, and slowly drifted to sleep.

Time skip next morning

Your alarm went off, which woke you up, you turned it off and walked to your shower. Minutes later you came out in a bath robe around you. You walked to jungkook's room to see if he was up, you knock in the door and hear "I'm changing mommy" you chuckle and said, "ok baby, you finish that" and walked back to your room. You went to your closet and wore a dress, you picked your heels and did your make up.

"Mommy I'm ready"

Jungkook's voice faded as he walked down stairs. You grabbed your bag, your purse with your phone and money inside it, you grabbed jungkook's bag, and walked downstairs. You see jungkook in the couch sitting down, wiggling his small feet and legs. The a honk was hear outside your house. Jungkook got to the front door with his back pack on his back, and grabbed your hand.

"Morning mr.kim"

"Morning miss. Y/n, let me help you"

He got your bag and placed it in the trunk. Then it hit you, "the car seat!" You then heard the words you never thought you'd hear "I got one in the car, don't worry", you sigh in relief, Namjoon helped kookie with the car seat closed his door and walked to the drives seat. "Ready?", you nodded. He pulled out from the drive way and made his way to the location.

"Mommy I'm hungry"

"Here, munch on an apple while we get there"you passed him the apple and he pouted. Namjoon noticed that and he said "we can stop at a restaurant, what would you like kookie?". Jungkook's pout turned into a smile. "McDonalds" he yelled, Namjoon smiled "ok we're going to McDonald's". Jungkook gasped and yelled "yay", both you and Namjoon laughed at his reaction, then looked at each other. You turn your head to the window and blush. Minutes later, Namjoon pulled in the parking lot. You got off and tried to get jungkook out of the car seat. "Hey, how do you do this?" The car seat wasn't like the one jungkook had, it was different, Namjoon made his way to jungkook, and unbuckled him. He took jungkook in his arms and walked to the door, he held the door open for you.

"What would you like jungkookie?" Namjoon offered

"Chicken nuggets!"

"Give him the five nuggets", he ordered the five nuggets, and ordered pancakes for the both of you.

"Mommy can I go to the playground?" He pleaded, you nodded, which made Namjoon put him down. He ran to the play ground and claimed on the slides. You and Namjoon waited for the order number to be announced.

"NUMBER 24? 24"

"Is that ours?" He nodded and went to get your food. You grab d the cups and put coke on the three of them. Jungkook ran to Namjoon, you see him talking to Namjoon, and he nodded following jungkook. You smiled as you see them sitting down, laughing. It surprised you that Namjoon was being nice to your kid, you always though he was like and ice bag; cold.

You sat next to jungkook and help him with his soda. You and Namjoon were just talking, more like getting to know each other. Then some one interrupted "mommy, can I go play? I'm done with my nuggets", you nodded. He dashed his way up the slide, making you and Namjoon laugh.

After you and Namjoon finish eatining , you called kookie to go on. Namjoon placed him in in the car seat, you sat in the copilot seat, and tried buckling your seat belt. Namjoon saw you struggling so he helped you.

"You do it like this honey" he looked up at you, and winked, all you said was "uhu". He started the car and continued the drive. While driving he said, " make sure to call me Namjoon, Joonie, baby, honey, or anything nice that a girlfriend would say to her boyfriend " you nodded. You noticed the car was quiet you look at him and he looks at you with a question face, and both of you look back, only to find jungkook asleep. "He's cute" , you look at him and smiled, "thank you mr. Ki- Namjoon, Namjoon". He chuckled and said "you can also call me oppa you know". You just nodded once again.

"He looks like you, any one could fall for his cuteness"

"Yea, I love him so much"

He looked at you and held your hand, stroking the top of it with his thumb

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now