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You got woken up by the alarm's loud beeps. You groan before getting up, you lazily walk to the bathroom to take a shower, after the warm shower you change into your work suit. You see that Namjoon was already awake, and surprisingly jungkook too

"Morning mommy" your little bundle of cuteness said sending a flying kiss, which you returned back

"Morning gorgeous" Namjoon said walking to you already suited up, kissing you

"Mommy and daddy, sitting in a tree, k-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then come marriage and then.....I don't know, but it has to do with a baby" jungkook said rubbing his little chin to make it seem like he was thinking.

You grabbed kookie's backpack, your purse and phone, and walked downstairs to make coffee for you and Namjoon, and gave cookies and milk to jungkook

After he's done, the three of you get on his car, and drive to the day care, once you get there, you and Namjoon get off, Namjoon unbuckled kookie, and held his hand. Sadly the parents couldn't pass in some certain point so you and him had to stop at the entrance.

"Bye kookie have fun" you and Namjoon said, kissing his little cheeks at the same time

"Bu-bye mommy and daddy" he said running off to some other kids and talking with them, you and Namjoon went back to the car, and drove to work.

"I love him so much, babe"

"Who doesn't love my baby?"

"I hope some day I can be his father, for real"

He said grabbing your hand and putting it on his lap, you look at him and see him looking at the road, smiling. You shook your head and smiled, fixing your eyes to the window and the outside.

When you reach the office, Namjoon calls you to go in his room before getting to work. He said that he wasn't going to do the project, and wanted you to talk to the other company owners about it

I don't know, it's just what I see on tv, go with it

-me, writer

You nodded, you were about to walk away when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you for a kiss, you smile and kiss him back, after the kiss you walked to your desk, and emailed the other company owners.

Time skip 4 hours later 12:45

You got a phone call, from your phone, you look at the id "kookie's daycare" you got curious and answered.


"Is this jungkook's mother?"

"Yes, I'm her"

"We don't want to worry you, but jungkook broke his arm, he is being take to the downtown hospital, we're so sorry, he got pushed by another kid and he lost his balance and fell"

"WHAT? I'll be right there" you hung up and took your phone and purse with you, you didn't want to bother namjoon, so you just left a sign "left for break". You called a taxi and told him the address.


Namjoon was trying to take a copy of the document you sent, he called you, but you didn't pick up, he called you a few more times, but still didn't pick up. So he went to check your desk, to find it empty with the sign. He furrowed his eyebrows and called you to your phone

"Hello?" You answered with a soft voice, because you wanted to cry

"Y/n, where are you?" Namjoon said sitting back down in his chair

"I'm sorry jonnie, but I got a call from the daycare, they said kookie broke his arm, I'm going to the downtown hospital, I'm sorry"

"What? I'm going there now"


Once you got to the hospital you went to the desk lady

"Hi, have you received any news from Jeon jungkook?"

"Yes, he's getting treated right now, please wait and we'll let you know"

You sat down tearing, your worst nightmare was your baby getting physically or emotionally hurt. You felt like the worst mother ever, for not taking care of your baby.

You looked at the owner of the voice, Namjoon was running to you. He noticed that you were crying, so he hugged you tight, he kept repeating "it's ok" , "he's going to be ok" , "dont worry babe" he kissed your head and caressed it.

"Family of Jeon jungkook?"

You looked at the doctor, "yes that's me" you walked closer to the doctor. "Good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?" You tried not to cry anymore, it was hard for you to speak, Namjoon hugged you from the back "good news" he said.

"Good news: he's ok now, he's a really strong little boy, he broke his arm, but it wasn't anything bad, a small fracture though, he can go home now"

You sigh relieved, but then it went away, "and bad news?" You were hoping it wasn't anything serious

"Bad news: he's going to have to stay home for three weeks, he's also going to take some pain relievers to and do some small movements to help, but only after two weeks have passed"

You nod, "thank you doctor, can we see him? " he shook his head yes,vowed and walked away, you ask the lady in the desk for the room number

"Floor 5 Room 87"

You thank her, Namjoon was holding your hand and rubbing it lightly , now it made you feel better, you took the elevator to floor 5, the elevator slowly took you there, once you two get off, you both reach for the room.

"Babe, over here" Namjoon said standing beside the door, you go to him and enter first.

"Mommy, my arm hurts when I move it"

"Baby, you're not suppose to move it, let it rest in your chest"

"Daddy, I want go home"

Namjoon sat beside him and kissed his forehead, "sure lets go" you took kookie in your arms while Namjoon held your purse, and opened the doors for you. After buying his medicine, you went back to namjoon's house, kookie had fallen asleep. Namjoon opened the door from his bed room, and removed the blanket, so you could lay jungkook on the bed, you lay him in one of the sides, so he would have space for his broken arm.

"You ok babe?" Namjoon said sitting next to you in the bed

"Yea, I'm just...just tired" you said getting up to change your clothe, Namjoon did too. He was done first, he look at jungkook sleeping peacefully, he laid down next to him and hugged him. You came out of the bathroom to find Namjoon sleeping next to jungkook, Namjoon was basically in the middle.

You smile, and took a pic of them, and then went to sleep

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now