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Next morning, you woke up to find the bed empty, all for yourself. You panicked to see that jungkook wasn't in the bed asleep, and immediately stood up, ran downstairs, only to find Namjoon and jungkook trying to cook.

"Hey careful!" You yelled, making them both jump a little.

"Oh, hi mommy" jungkook said with a bit of flour in his cheeks.

You went to the table and grabbed a napkins to clean his cheek. You cleaned it well, threw the napkin away, and took jungkook away from the stove. "What have I said, not to be near the stove, kookie" you said scolding him without sounding mean.

"Sorry mommy, we were just trying to cook some thing for you" he said as he lowered his face playing with his little fingers. You smiled, "baby, I appreciate the thought of you making breakfast, but it's dangerous. Be careful ok?" You raised his face so he could look at you, you gave him a warm smile and kissed his forehead. "Ok mommy, I promise" he held up his pinky, you chuckle and linked your pinky with his.

"Ok, it's almost ready" Namjoon said.

You moved jungkook to the floor, and reached the cabinet to grabbed plates. Jungkook put the plates in front of three chairs,he also placed a fork and spoon beside every plate. "You like how I put it mommy?" Jungkook smiled proud and looked at you, "yes baby, good job" you high five him making a little "yay" come out of his mouth.

"Ok, food is ready" Namjoon said taking the pan with him to serve the food in the plates. "Mommy, me and daddy made eggs and bacon" he said ready to eat.

"Daddy?" You ask looking at him and Namjoon, back and forth

"Yea" jungkook said taking a spoonful of eggs with a piece of bacon to his mouth

"Oh" you say not knowing what to say


"Mr. Kim, can we talk?" You said standing in front of Namjoon

"Sure " he said holding jungkook's hand, "alone" you said while walking to the room

"I'll be back kookie" Namjoon walked up the stairs leaving jungkook in the living room. As he entered, he looked at you worried, "every thing ok?" He asked concerned, you turn to him, "why is he calling you dad?".

Jungkook's POV

I was waiting for Daddy and mommy to come down, but they never did. So I walked up the stairs, I was gonna enter the room when..

"Namjoon, he shouldn't call you dad" mommy said, is she mad?

"But I think it's cute y/n. Come on, just let him"  daddy said while holding her shoulders.

Are they gonna kiss?  Ew

"Namjoon, he isn't your son, he can't call you that"   mommy sounds mad, is it because of me?

"Why not? He's just a kid"

"Yes, he's a kid, but it's not right. I don't want him to get too attached to you. Remember, I'm just helping you with the "pretend girlfriend " thing. By the time we are done, both of us are going back to our normal lives"

"But there's nothing wrong-"

"Yes there is!"....wow, mommy never yelled at anyone...

"By the time we get back, he will be hurt, because none of us are seeing each other. And I don't want my baby to be hurt"

End of POV

"Mommy? M-Mr.kim?"

Namjoon and you stopped arguing, you both look at jungkook the at each other, then back at jungkook. Jungkook got closer to you "mommy, is everything ok?" Jungkook asked looking at you, giving you sad eyes.

"Yea baby everything's ok" you say giving him a fake smile

"You ok kookie?" Namjoon kneeled to his level, stroking his hair, but what jungkook did surprised him

"Yes mr.kim" jungkook said removing his hand from his hair, he walked out of the room and left to hide

"No...no...no no no" you said covering your face


Jungkook hid himself in the hallway closet, he sniffed a couple of times

"I want to go home" he curled him self in a tiny ball, bringing his knees closer to his chest.

"Kookie?" You said as you walked down the hallway, "kookie come out, please" your voice cracked. jungkook let a small sob out of his mouth.

"Kookie, there you are" you said as you opened the door "i was so worried" you kiss his cheek, hugging him, once you released, you noticed tears, strolling down his cheek. You wiped them, you took him in your arms, and walked back to the room, and both of you laid down

"I'm sorry mommy" he said as he let out more tears

"Baby, can I ask you a question?" You said wiping his tears away, he nodded to your question," why were you calling him 'daddy'?" You asked, it took him a few seconds to gather his strength.

"I never met my dad, and when me and mr.kim hung out with you, I thought that was how it felt, to have a mommy, and a daddy next to you....I guess I'll never have a dad" he said as he brought hugged you, hiding his face under the blankets.

"Kookie, you can always call me dad" a deep voice echoed the room. Namjoon walked him self to the bed and hugged him, "just give me time to do it ok" he said whispering in his ear, making jungkook smile.

"We should be getting some sleep, so tomorrow we have energy for mother's birthday"

"You're right" you say getting ready to sleep, then turned off the lights

"Night mommy and daddy"

"Good night boys"

"Good night, my loves"

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now