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"Mhm, that's right"

"No, she's my ex girlfriend, I don't know why she's back though"

Rose looked at you with a smirk, then at jungkook, "is this your baby?" She asked pointing to you and Namjoon,"no, that's her son" she looked at jungkook with disgust and said "he looks like a baby rat, no wonder where he got his looks" she started laughing and jungkook started sobbing, you got really mad "at least he's not made of plastic" that's what you said Namjoon got closer to jungkook and carried him in his arms, caressing his back to calm him down

"Are you here to insult him or her?"

"Well it's the truth, if we had a baby, our baby would be good looking, unlike what you'll have with her" she said pointing and looking at you with disgust

"At least I'm real"

"You know what? Leave rose, and never insult my fiancé or my son again"

Rose left the house you were still so angry, you could punch the wall and make a hole. Namjoon was hugging him and apologizing, "how about you two stay? We don't have work in the morning" jungkook was about to answer but you said "jungkook has school in the morning, and I don't have clothes for him here" Namjoon nodded, "well, can I spend tonight at your house?" You nodded and he handed you jungkook to go get some clothe for him

"Mommy do I really look like a rat?"

"Baby, you don't look like a rat, not at all...your my baby bunny "

"Love you mommy"

"Love you too"

Namjoon came back with a backpack and in more comfortable clothe, "ready?, you and jungkook nodded and went to his car. He started driving to your house, half an hour later you all arrived, Namjoon took jungkook to his room, meanwhile you where changing into something more comfortable...

"Nice view "

"I know right- ah! Namjoon don't look at me" you tried to cover your self up with your arms, you were in your undies. "Come on, ima see you naked in our honey moon" you put your shirt on and said "yea, in the honey moon, not right now" you put some shorts and flopped on you bed, Namjoon went beside you and brought you close to his chest

"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you as my future wife, and jungkook as my future son?"

"You're really excited to be jungkook's father aren't you?"

"Yea, he's going to be my first kid"

"He's excited too you know. He always wished he had a dad, and now...he'll have one"

Namjoon started to kiss you in the lips , and you responded. You wrapped y ur arms around his neck to bring him close, "we should save some for the honeymoon" you sat up and turned the tv on and searched for a movie

"I'll bring some pop corn" you said getting up and going to the kitchen. When the pop corn was ready, you got a bowl and put the pop corn there. You made your way to your room when you heard laughs and giggles, then you heard

"Shh, shh mommy is coming"

"Hide quickly"

You knew what was going on, so you just pretend as if you didn't heard anything and walked in, "ok I got the pop corn, what are we watching?", before you sat down, you saw a small figure covered with the blanket "a scary movie" Namjoon said, you have the pop corn to Namjoon and flopped lightly over jungkook, "mommy I'm right here, I'm not a pillow" you smirked and uncovered him

"Jungkook, you have school tomorrow, you should be sleeping"

"Yea, but I wanna spend time with daddy" jungkook said clinging onto Namjoon, "come on, let him" both of them try to be cute, "please mommy?", "please babe?"

"Just until you fall asleep"

You sat next to jungkook and placed the bowl in his legs, the movies was getting scarier, jungkook shifted closer next to you to feel protected, then he whispered "mommy, I'm scared" you look at him and hold his hand, "it's ok baby"


The movie finished, you look at Namjoon and jungkook sleeping, you carry jungkook bridal style to his room and lay him on his bed, you kiss him in his forehead, and close the door.

You went to your room, took the bowl of pop corn to the kitchen and washed it. You went back up, closed your door, turned off your tv, and went to sleep

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now