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Morning came in, your alarm went off, you got up and went to jungkook's room to check on him

Knock knock


No response

"Kookie, time for school"

No response, instead, you heard a cough and a sniff. You went in to see tissues all over the bed and floor, "mommy" he stopped and coughed really loud, "I can't go to school". You went closer to him and touched his forehead with the top of your hand, "wow you're burning" you stood up and uncovered him a little, "m-mommy I'm c-cold" you sighed and said "if you cover yourself again, the fever won't go down" you got up and went to the bathroom to soak a towel in water, you went back and put it in his forehead

"I'll call your school to tell them you won't be going today"


Namjoon got up and went to the bathroom, after he was done, he washed his hands and dryed them. He made his way to see jungkook, he opened the door to find jungkook sleeping, "he's going to be late" he thought

"Kookie, wake up baby" he said shaking him softly, jungkook coughed several times, and sniffed, at that moment he knew jungkook wasn't well, "I can't daddy, mommy said I'm not going to school today" Namjoon nodded, "I'll be back". Namjoon went to find you, he didn't find you in the room, in the bathroom and living room, so he went to the kitchen, and there you were. "What are you doing?" Namjoon asked concerned, "looking for medicine, seems like I don't medicine for jungkook though...ill go to the store and get some" you grabbed your jacket, your car keys and headed out the door.



"Yes kookie?"

"Where's mommy" he coughed

"At the pharmacy, getting medicine for you"

Jungkook nodded and tried to move his body to a better, "ouch" jungkook said tearing up," what happened?" Namjoon asked moving closer to jungkook," my body hurts, daddy", Namjoon helped him to move his body into a comfortable position, "try to sleep" Namjoon said kissing him in the cheek


"Yes baby?"

"Thank you for being here with me"

"That's what a dad does"

After that, jungkook closed his eyes, and went to sleep. Namjoon went to the kitchen to make some chicken soup with veggies for jungkook.

"Ok, how do I turn on the stove.... Maybe this? Aha, yup. Ok now, where does she keep the cooking pots...?" Namjoon taps his chin as he thinks, he then looks in all the cabinets..."its not in any of them" he then looks at a cabinet he hasn't looked, "maybe there?" He says opening a bottom cabinet, there where cooking pans, small, medium, and large, and in the far corner there where the big cooking pots. As he reaches, he takes it out, but drags some pans and drops them accidentally, making a lound, "oops".


You came home with the he medicine, you opened the door, closed it and went to jungkook's room. You were just outside the door, "what's this daddy?" Jungkook asks with a cracking voice, "it's chicken soup, it'll make you feel better" namjoon took the spoon with the chicken soup to jungkook's mouth, "mmm, taste good". You went in and sat in the bed, "once you're done eating tell me, so I can give you your medicine" jungkook nods.


It was night, you already gave jungkook his medicine, and put him to sleep, Namjoon stayed with you the whole day to help you take care of jungkook.mtomorrow morning you both have to return to work, you make tea for the both of you. You both flop in the couch, sipping your tea, sitting next to each other, "its been an exhausting day" you say stretching your muscles.

Namjoon places his mug and your mug in the coffee table and looks at you, "y/n, you know...that business trip I take twice a year?" You nod, "I might have to leave for two weeks" he sighs "but I don't want to, I don't want to leave you and kookie alone", you smile to him and say "it's ok Joonie, you have to go, it's for work" he leans in and kisses your lips softly

"i love you y/n"

"I love you too Joonie"

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now