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You and Namjoon were getting ready to take his mom to the dinner you and him planned.

"Ok so I already have the table reservation, we just need to get mom there"

Namjoon was getting ready putting his tie around his neck, You were doing your make up, and jungkook was putting his shoes on. "Um, y/n? C-could you help me with the tie?" He asked nervously, you stop what you were doing and walk to him, you put the tie correctly and make a knot. "There" you say placing the tie in his chest and smiling to him, "thank you sweety" he winked.

"Ok mom, ready?" Namjoon was putting his coat on. You were helping jungkook put his on. "Ok let's go" namjoon's mom said, everyone headed out into the car, and drove off.


"Kim's reservation, table for 5" Namjoon said to the receptionist, the receptionist looked at him and winked, and it made you feel mad for some reason.

"Follow me handsome" she said leading every one to the table, jungkook took his hand and your hand, everyone chose a chair, namjoon's parents together, jungkook between you and Namjoon.

"Your waitress will be here in a minute" the receptionist said and left.

"I don't like her" jungkook said playing with the fork, everyone chuckled at the words the baby has said.

"I'm sorry your waitress couldn't be here, but I can. Hi my name is Jackson and I'll be your waiter for tonight" he said taking out the note pad. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Mommy I want lemonade" jungkook said looking at you

"How about you order two lemonades?" Jungkook's eyes lit up

"I would like two lemonades, please, thank you" everyone in the table cooed and chuckled at jungkook's order, it was cute how he sounded like an adult, a little adult

"For us three...water, please" Namjoon said

"Ok be right back" he was about to walk away when he turned to you, " oh, would you like a seat for the little boy?"

"I'm a big boy"  jungkook said

"Yes please" you said smiling at the waiter

"Ok I'll be back then" he said flashing a smile

Namjoon rolled his eyes, he tried not to look pissed, but it didn't work "we'll be back" namjoon's parents said.

"I didn't know my baby was big boy" you said teasing him, "of course I'm a big boy mommy" he said kind of annoyed, "I'm kidding baby, I know you're a big boy" you said stroking his hair.

"Here are your drinks, and I'll be back with the boy's seat" the waiter said placing down the drinks, giving you a smile

"Y/n, remember you're here with me" Namjoon said sounding annoying

"Daddy's jealous" jungkook said teasing, making both of them blush

"Y/n, the bathrooms are nice and clean" his mom came back still fascinated

"Mom! Don't say stuff like that" Namjoon sounded like a little kid

The waiter came back with the seat you took jungkook on your lap, then sat him in the seat. Everyone ordered their food, and ate. After a while the waiter came back with a cake that said 'happy birthday mother' an placed it in front of namjoon's mom. Everyone sang to her and cheered when she blew out the candles.

After an hour or so, everyone finished, "mom, me and y/n are going somewhere" he said looking at their then jungkook giving him a wink. Jungkook also gave him a wink, it was a set up.

"Sure, go and have fun"

"But what about kookie, I can't leave him" you say as you hold jungkook's small hand tight

"It's ok mommy, I'll be going with granny and grandpa" he said trying to convince you

"O-ok, i guess I could go" you say still not sure

Every one headed outside to part their ways. "Don't worry mommy, I'll be fine" jungkook said giving you a kiss in your cheek, "ok baby, I love you". namjoon's parents left with jungkook, "don't worry he'll be ok with mom and dad" Namjoon said rubbing your shoulders, bringing you close to him.


Namjoon stoped at the beach, both of you took of your shoes to feel the sand slightly warm since it was night. The both of you walked down to feel the water.

"Wow, the water still warm" he said touching the water with his feet

"Yea, oh look, the sand castle that we built is still over there" you point to the direction. Namjoon walked behind you holding you from your waist, making you turn to look at him.

"Y/n, do you have a boyfriend?"

"N-no, why?"

He cupped her cheeks and said

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

You look at him and say....


Want to find out what she /you said? Read the next part to find out...

Will it be yes? Will it be no?

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now