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Before I get started I just wanna say happy birthday to our baby Jeon jungkook.

Happy birthday kookie, thank you so much for what you do for us army's, you don't know how happy we are that you're growing up. Remember, we love you no matter what, thank you so much for making me happy when I was sad

I love you so much.


Namjoon was working at the office, you were on your break eating lunch, jungkook was at school. You were looking at your phone for cake ideas. It was jungkook's birthday, and you were throwing him a party with his little friends and some of your friends.

"Hm...this one or this one?" You were debating wether to make him a chocolate cake, or vanilla cake....in the end you chose chocolate. Your timer went off so you returned to work.

You were typing something in your computer, when one of the co workers said something

"Hey unnie, can you give this to the boss?"

"Um sure"

You stood up, knocked on his door and went in, Namjoon was reading some files, "babe" Namjoon looked up and smiled, "hello honey how are you?" You smile "I'm good, some one wanted to give you this" he looked at the envelope in your hand, he took it and took the paper inside and read it.

"Great, now I have another project to think about"

He sighed in frustration, and rubbed his temples. "It's ok Joonie, remember, if you need me I'll be there" he looked at you and smiled, "thanks babe, I love you" he stood up and pecked you lips.

You got out of his office and went outside to your desk, then you recieve a call


"Hey noona"

"Hey tae, how are you?"

"I'm good, ok listen, ima go to the store and buy balloons and party decorations for kookie, but I need your key"

"Tae, you have a copy of the key"

"...oh right"

"Ok I gotta go, bye tae"

You hang up and try to finish work fast so you can go bake the cake. Once you're done, you tell Namjoon, and go to your house. You take all the Ingridients to make chocolate cake, you mix everything and put it in the oven.

Namjoon calls you telling you that he had picked up kookie already and they will be in the office for a bit more.

Tae knocks on the door and helps you set up the kitchen with decorations.

Namjoon came home with kookie, "mommy!" You pick him up and hug him, "happy birthday baby, omg I can't believe my little baby is 5" he chuckles and you put him down, "go to your room and change" he does what you say

"The guys are on their way, is everything ready? You nod and smile at the thought of jungkook turning 5.

Two hours later

The cake was decorated, the kitchen was decorated, some friends of kookie were there playing with him around the house. Namjoon and the guys were talking among themselves, you were talking to some of your friends too.

"I can't believe little kookie is getting big"

"I still remember when you were pregnant"

"Yea, it was hard being a single mom, but with your help, it was easier"

The girls hug you

"Ok Jennie, go call the kids, the cake is ready. Lisa, please call the guys over. Tzuyu, help me put the candles in the cake. Irene, would you please take a video?"


"Mommy, are we eating cake now?" You nod. Jungkook sat in the birthday boy seat, everyone gathered around and you lit up the candles

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear kookie, happy birthday to you. YAY!" Everyone cheers and claps their hands, "make a wish kook" yoongi said, jungkook closed his eyes and blew the candles, "yay" everyone says one more time.

"Ok let's get y/n and Namjoon to take a picture with jungkook" tzuyu said holding your phone, she takes a phew photos, "ok now one where you and Namjoon kiss his cheeks" you both turn to kookie and squish his face with your kisses.

You cut the cake and serve everyone a slice, jungkook and his friends eat in the living room, you and the "adults" eat at the kitchen.


After hours, everyone leaves, jungkook is in his room looking at his presents, you're in your room getting ready to sleep. Namjoon is in his phone.

Knock knock


You turn around and see kookie running to you

"I just wanna say thank you for this awesome day, it.was.the.best.day.EVER"

You smile and hug him,Namjoon joined the Hug too, while hugging jungkook says "thank you mommy, for choosing me, I know you wanted to be with dad, but thanks for choosing me first. I love you mommy so so so much" you look at him and tears fall out of your eyes, Namjoon is trying to wipe them out. "You know why I love you so so so much?" You shake your head

"Because up you gave me my arms, my legs, my eyes, my brain, and the most important you made my heart inside your tummy. And you carried me for a long time. I love you mommy" you couldn't hold it anymore, you cry out loud, and hug him

"baby, my little kookie. I would choose you first over a million things, you are first, and everyone else is second. I love you, you had no idea how much I do, because a mommy's love is forever"

Jungkook kissed your cheeks to make you feel better. He turns to Namjoon and say

"Daddy, thank you for loving me and mommy, even if you're not my true dad, you will have the place forever. I love you daddy"

Namjoon hugged him and said "baby, you and your mommy won my heart fair and square, I love you my little baby"

You all go to bed. Jungkook goes to his room, you and Namjoon in your room. You turn off the lights and lay down besides Namjoon, "babe, I want to thank you so much for letting me win your heart. I love you and kookie so so much. Sometimes I wonder what did I do to deserve the best girlfriend slash future wife, and my future son. I love you so much y/n"

"Joonie, you deserve us. Never doubt that. I love you too"

He smiles and kisses your lips, you turn to have your back at him and he spoons you. "You know, I hope someday we have a kid of our own. 1: to give kookie a sibling, and 2: to finally have a kid of my blood"

He has no idea that that wish is coming true

Thank you so much for reading this ep. It's special for our jungkookie who is growing up so fast TnT❤️

I know in Korea it's the 1st, so I'll post it

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