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After two weeks Namjoon came back. We started to do wedding planning and all that stuff. You picked the place and decorations because Namjoon said he would be terrible at that.

Jungkook joined you two in the living room, but soon left because he thought it was boring.

"I can't wait for us to get married"

"Me too"

"How about the...two weeks after jungkook's birthday?"

"Sounds good"

You went to the kitchen to make dinner for the three of you. You could hear jungkook and Namjoon laughing in the living room. You were cutting potatoes when you felt dizzy. You put the knife down and drank a bit of water. Namjoon came in ands saw you holding your head, "you ok babe?" He asked back hugging  you,

After that....

Everything blacked out


"Mommy! Please wake up"

"It's ok kookie, she just fainted,she'll wake up"

"Daddy I'm scared, what if mommy leaves me, like dad did?

"...baby, I would never leave you...I carried you for 9 months, why would I leave my precious little boy?"

"Mommy!" Jungkook ran to you and hugged you while crying, "mommy, I thought you were leaving me" jungkook cried his little heart out, you chuckle and say, "I would never  leave my baby behind" you kiss the top of his head

Namjoon sighed in relief, "honey, you ok?" He got closer and sat next to you, "I'm ok honey" you smile making him give you a nod. "Oh my god! Have you two eaten yet?"

"Yea, I cooked for me and kookie"

"Mommy I wanna sleep with you"

"What time is it?"

"Um...9:30 pm"

You nod and layers down with kookie hugging you, Namjoon went to the other side, laid down and slept with you and kookie

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now