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You woke up to find just you and jungkook laying down, you searched for Namjoon in the bathroom but he wasn't there, you go down the kitchen, to find a note in the counter

"I went early, since I had a really early meeting with a client, love you babe. -Joonie "

You place it down and went upstairs to change, after you change, you wake kookie up "kookie, wake up honey" you shake him soft, he opens his eyes and sits up, "I though I wasn't going to day care mommy" jungkook said rubbing his eye, "i can't leave you here nor I can't leave you with uncle tae, so you're coming with me" you say helping him change his shirt.

"Ok mommy" he said trying to raise his arms up, "ow, my arm" he said putting it down, "careful baby"you manage to take his shirt off and put another shirt, he puts on his shoes and grabs his back pack and take it with him. "Baby, why are you taking your backpack?"

"So I won't get bored, I have my two cars and a coloring book here mommy" he said sitting down in the chair of the kitchen table, you give him cookies and milk, making yourself a coffee


You walked inside the office to the elevator. Workers that stood beside you looked a jungkook in awe, "hi I'm Kim jungkook, nice to meet you" he said looking at everyone, some asked " noona, isn't your last name Jeon?" You answered "it is, but it's a long story" before anyone could ask anything the elevator stoped at your level, some workers got off along with you, you walked to your desk turning on the computer, placing your bag under your desk

"Mommy, does daddy work here?"

"Yes, you want to see him?" He nods

"Ok let me check if he's there" you stood up and knocked twice, and went in, Namjoon was working in his computer, he looked up at you and smiled.

"Hi babe, sorry for not waiting for you, the client that called was-"


Jungkook came running to Namjoon , Namjoon stood up and walked in front of his desk and hugged jungkook. "Daddy, I missed you" jungkook said kissing namjoon's cheeks, Namjoon giggled and kissed his cheeks too.

"What are you doing here baby?" He said looking at you

"I didn't want to take him to day care, I hope it's ok"

"Sure, it's ok" he said hugging the both of you

Namjoon took jungkook to sit in his lap, in front of his desk. Jungkook watched closely at what his daddy was doing, bunch of fancy words and long sentence in a page. You returned to your desk to finish some work.

You went to the bathroom, mean while, Namjoon and jungkook went to the kitchen in the building to get something.

"Daddy, do you have cookies?" Jungkook said holding namjoon's hand

"Um, no, I don't think so baby"

Some workes that were there had their own side conversation...

"Isn't that y/n's kid?"

"I think so"

"Why is he calling him "daddy"? they're dating?"

Namjoon gave jungkook a banana milk that was there, Namjoon made himself some coffee, after he was done, they went back to his office. As he was walking he found you talking to a guy

"So is he your son?"

"Yea, he is"

"Oh, cool, well I gotta get back to work, see ya noona" he said waving at you.

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now