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"So what are we gonna get her?" Namjoon asked. "Hm....I don't know, any ideas?" You ask him, "how about...um...I don't know" you and Namjoon were talking in the room, jungkook was watching iron man in your phone, while lying on the bed.

"What does your mother like?" You ask him, "I don't know, I usually give her a diamond necklace, money, or shoes".

You though of what you would like to recieve if it was your birthday ," how about we take her out for dinner?" You said while looking for good restaurants.

Mean while Namjoon was lying in the couch. "Sounds good, but where?", you were scrolling down, until you see a good restaurant, "how about xxxxx restaurant?" You show him the reviews, and the place, "seems good" .

You nod living him in the couch, while walking to jungkook. "Hey baby bunny, watcha doin' ?" Jungkook lifte his gaze to you and smiled, "iron man" he said while doing a super hero pose. "Well, let's watch it, come here" you say as he moved up to your embrace, you stroke his hair, his soft dark brown hair.

Namjoon POV

I was looking in my social media, when I decided to do something. I looked for y/n's social page, and I can't believe I found her quickly. I scroll down to see pictures of her, jungkook, and a guy, that must be his brother...


I smile as I see a pic of the three of us, my attention was directed to a pic of her that had about 100 likes and lost and lots of comments. I clicked the comment section, just to find:

"Hey mama, you looking fine af"

"Woa, show us more of what's underneath"

"I think your son needs a daddy, so do you..."

"Wanna f*ck tonight?"

I got mad and tried to do something, but she can't know I was stalki- looking...looking at her social media. But one of the comments seemed to make me laugh

"Y'all better shut the f*ck up, she's my sister, you thirsty mother f*ckers"

I looked at his photo, it's the guy from that last pic, Kim taehyung, so it's her brother. Nice, means less competition on my way. Well, yea, I've started to like her since we've been getting to know each other and spend time with each other, plus jungkook is such a cutie, how not to fall for him too?

I lift my gaze from my phone to find a sleeping y/n, but jungkook was still awake, he was still watching the movie.

End of POV

"Mommy? Mommy, don't fall asleep yet, it's not over" he tried to wake her up, Namjoon stood up and went to him, "hey kookie, let's not wake up your mommy, I'll watch the movie with you" Namjoon said as he was approaching the opposite side of the bed to lay down. "Dad?Can we get ice cream later?"

Namjoon's eyes widen to the sudden name he was called, he sat up slowly and said "d-dad? What did you just said to me?" He kept on looking at jungkook, "o-oh I'm sorry m-mr.kim I-I didn't mean too. It's just that, I never had a dad, and if I had one, it would be you" he said while looking down, Namjoon picked him up and placed him on his lap, "no baby, you can call me anything you want. If you wan to call me 'dad' go ahead. I'll be happy" Namjoon said with a calm voice, jungkook's eyes lit up and he smiled, he hugged Namjoon tight and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Dad" he said

"Say it again, please" Namjoon pleaded

"Daddy" jungkook said leaving small kisses on namjoon's cheeks "don't stop saying it" he said kissing his face.

"what are you two giggling about?" You asked half asleep while looking at them, "nothing, it's a big boy's secret" jungkook said while giggling, "hm...ok I guess we can't go see the new movie where all the super heroes appear " jungkook's smile drops as he panicked, "no mommy, please" jungkook went to hug you "I'm kidding baby" you kiss his forehead.

Namjoon excuses him self, he went out of the room and went to the nearest grocery store, he went to the frozen product isle, and choosed a bucket of ice cream, vanilla and caramel flavor, went to pay and came back.

He went to the kitchen for some spoons and napkins and enter the room. "Kookie, look what I got for the three of us" jungkook liste his gaze to the bucket and gasped, "ICE CREAM", he jumped up and down in the bed. You say up "Namjoon, he can't have ice cream at this hour" you say holding jungkook in your arms, "but mommy, it's ice cream" he whined, "come on y/n" Namjoon said, you gave in and grabbed on of the spoons.

The three of you moved down to the living room to watch a movie, jungkook sat in the middle between you two, holding the bucked between his legs. After a while he fell asleep, leaning on Namjoon, "he fell asleep y/n" you look at Namjoon, then jungkook, and smile.

You grabbed the ice cream bucket and placed it on the freezer and made your way to the living room, only to find it empty, "he must have taken Kookie to the room" you say as you turn of the tv and moved to your room.

"I love you kookie" Namjoon said softly stroking the baby's hair

"I love you daddy" jungkook said half asleep hugging his "dad" close to him

"Good night kookie baby" you kiss his nose tip, "night mommy"

"Good night y/n-ssi" he smiled showing his dimples

"Good night Joonie ah"

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