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I'll continue where I left from the last story

Ding dong

You and Namjoon looked at the door and then at each other, both of you stood up, only Namjoon was in front. He opened the door to find...


"Hey guys, how are y'all? Come in"

4 guys stepped in the house, they all look at you and then at Namjoon. "Hyung, who is she?" One of those guys spoke. "This is y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n, these are my hyungs: Jimin,yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin"

"Nice to meet you, I'm your hope, you're my hope" Hoseok said

"Excuse his sunshine-ness, I'm Jimin the most handsome"

"No, I'm Jin, world wide handsome"

"Yoongi, nice to meet you"

The four boys introduced themselves in their own way. All of you moved to the kitchen. You served every one coffee. You got to know them, they got to know you, they were fun to hang around. It was fun and all until

"Mommy, I can't sleep" jungkook walked in the kitchen rubbing his eyes with his stuffed bunny in his arms. Once he noticed the unfamiliar faces, he ran between you and Namjoon

"Mommy, who are they?" Jungkook asked hiding behind your arm

"They're my friends, kookie, meet uncle Hoseok, uncle, Jin, uncle Jimin, and uncle yoongi"

"Baby say hi"


Jungkook said shyly. The guys cooed at him, Namjoon placed jungkook in his lap to help him feel secure, "daddy, why are they here?" He said looking down. "They came to hang with daddy, kookie" you said stroking his hair.

"Hi little, I'm Jin" Jin said smiling to jungkook

"I'm Hoseok, your hope" hoses said making a heart with his arms

"I'm Jimin" he said waving at him

"You have duck lips" jungkook said, "jungkook, that's not nice" you told jungkook

"I'm yoongi"

"Want to come to uncle hoseok's lap?" Hoseok said patting at his lap, smiling at him, only for jungkook to shake his head no. "It's ok baby, he's not gonna bite, none of them are gonna bite" Namjoon said trying to convince jungkook, jungkook seemed almost convinced  until

"I could bite" yoongi said laughing evilly, he got 5 'seriously?' Looks staring  at him

Jungkook seemed sort of convinced? He got off, leaving his stuffed bunny with his mommy. He went to Hoseok, mean while Hoseok was dying of all the cuteness. He made jungkook giggle with his sunshine aura.

Jungkook got to be carried by all of them, except one....turtle-yoongi. Jimin was chatting with everyone mostly to the adults, kookie was playing with his fingers, his attention went to yoongi. Yoongi was staring at him making faces, of course he was just playing around, jungkook was imitating him.

Jungkook made grabby hands to yoongi, yoongi just shook his head no, and payed attention to the conversation between the adults, yoongi glanced at jungkook, who was looking down, yoongi sighed and took jungkook to place him in his lap, facing him

"Hi" jungkook said poking yoongi's cheeks

Jungkook placed his head in his chest and stayed there, kookie was falling asleep, that's when you noticed and said "I'll take kookie now" yoongi tried to move him softly, you took jungkook to namjoon's room and tuck him in.

Seconds later, Namjoon walked in, you asked where the guys were, he said they left since they had to work. You nodded and drove your attention back to jungkook.

"I love you my little kookie" you lean in, and kiss his forehead, Namjoon leaned in and kiss his forehead too. You changed into your pajamas and laid down in the side. Namjoon laid down too and covered himself. Jungkook turned to Namjoon and cuddled with him, you smiled moving next to kookie to cuddle with both of them.

After a few minutes, you all fell asleep

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now