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After a long drive, you guys finally get there. Namjoon quickly says "remember, you are my girlfriend, tell jungkook to call me hyung or Namjoon ok?" You nodded. You go to jungkook, open his door, and unbuckle him. "Jungkook, we're here" . He opened his eyes to find his mommy, he smiled and said "yay", you pick hi, up and said "make sure to call him Namjoon, or hyung, ok?" He nodded. Namjoon came to you and walked with you with your hands held together and in your other hand, jungkook's small hand.

"Hello my baby. How are you?"

"I'm good mom, this is y/n", he presented you, and she went to hug you, she looked down and asked "is he your son?", you nodded. "Hi, I'm Jeon jungkook". Namjoon's mother cooed at his cute introduction "he's adorable". Jungkook said "thank you" and bowed. Every one said "aw" and she invited you all in.

"So this is your room, if I had known that the baby would be coming with you, I would've gotten another room or bed"

"It's ok, they will sleep with me in the bed"

"Ok, I'll leave you guys"

She left and jungkook ran to the bed, "mommy, come here mommy" you made your way to the bed, took off you heels and laid down pulling him next to you. "You're wide awake baby" you kissed his chubby hands and he giggled,p to feel the ticklish feeling.

"Can I join?" Namjoon asked

"Sure" jungkook said, Namjoon laid down next to jungkook. Jungkook then stood up, "mommy, I'm going to make boom boom, be right back" he ran to the bathroom and closed the door. Namjoon kept on looking at you, out of sudden he pulled you to him and kissed you. He tasted your lips for what seemed like hours, Then he let go.

"What was that for"?

"Mom was coming, but she left so, yea" he winked at you giving you one last peck. You heard Jungkook come back to the bed and said "mommy, I saw a pool outside, can we go?" Namjoon answered for you "sure, get your swimming suit" , jungkook didn't hesitated to go to his back pack and take his swimming shorts and shirt.

"But I'm tired"

"Then stay here and rest", he got up to his bag, took out his swimming shorts out, "ugh fine I'll go". You went to your bag and took your swimming suit too. Namjoon took jungkook to the porch in the backyard and started to put sunscreen on his arms, legs, neck and face. Namjoon hear the door open and he saw you with a white and red bikini, which showed your butt a little bit. Your top was a white bra, it showed your cleveage, and your bikini was red.

"Mommy I'm ready"

"Hold on, put some more in your face" you kneeled to his level and put some in his face. "You have your floaties ?", you asked, he quickly replied "yes mommy, I'm ready " you nodded, ran to the pool and cannon balled his way inside the pool. Mean while you where puting sun screen every where. Once it came to your back, your struggled a bit. Namjoon noticed and said "give me some ill help you". You felt the skin contact, which made you shiver. He was putting it everywhere, once he was done, he wrapped his arms around your waist and wishperd "you look good y/n"

"Mommy come inside " you removed his arms from you and walked to the pool, you sat in the edge, "mommy, get in", you looked at him and said "give me a second baby"

"Namjoon, come with me" jungkook yelled which made Namjoon run and cannon balled his way in the pool

"I'm here kookie", jungkook cheered, "mommy is the only one left". Namjoon smirked " I'll get her" he swimed his way to you and pulled your hands, which made you fall inside, in namjoon's arms.

"Hi mommy" jungkook was swimming to you. You hold him in your arms

"Mommy let's play something"

Namjoon smirked again " yea mommy let's play again"

Mr.Kim       Namjoon ff. ||completed||Where stories live. Discover now