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Liam's POV

A couple of days have passed since Theo and I talked last. I don't really know what happened that day it was so confusing. I had just came home from the hospital late at night and then all of a sudden fucking Brett Talbot came holding Nolan in his arms and that felt like a complete dream but I know it wasn't. Then Theo came over shortly after Brett had left and seemed even more pissed off than usual and seemed like he had some shit he had to seriously deal with. Which eventually I hope he can talk to be about it. Anyways when I woke up today I remembered it was my first day back to school after what happened with Gabe. Oh god I have classes with Gabe, I have to face Gabe. My eyes start to flash 'It's fine I can do this just find an anchor', I start thinking of all my time spent with the chimera and my eyes start going back to normal. Deep breath Liam, breathe. I grab my backpack and start heading to school.

Nolan's POV

After everything had happened with Brett, I think that's his name I was really embarrassed to find myself waking up in Liam's house so before he got up I quickly put myself together and walked home. I was about half way home when a car started to slow down and drive right next to me. I started to pick up my speed but the car did also then a window rolled down. It was someone I never wanted to deal with again.

"Need a ride weirdo" He said laughing making sure I knew it was a joke not a nice gesture.

"Just leave me alone" I said keeping my head forward not daring to look him in the eye.

"You know that we weren't ever official I was really just messing with you so I could tell everyone that-"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled this time staring him straight in the eye. He started laughing even more.

"Oh Nolan when will you learn I know a secret that the rest of the school will soon find out and the friends- well acquaintances that don't already know, they will know that their little weak human is even more pathetic. Oh and did I mention gay?" He strung out the last word with a devilish smirk. I stood there looking down not knowing how to respond. He's right i'm weak, pathetic and.... gay. Who would ever want to talk to me after what Gabe will twist the situation into. Anyone and everyone will believe the popular star athlete over the weak loner wannabe. I just kept my head down and kept on walking eventually Gabe got bored of not taunting me so he drove off to god knows where. I had finally arrived at my house and opened the door and called out for my parents.

"Mom? Dad?" No answer, as usual.

I went into my bedroom shut the door and sat on the end of my bed. I started rethinking everything that has happened in the past couple of years. Mostly months but the one thing I thought I wouldn't have to worry about is someone else coming out for me. I am not ready for people to know only Liam and Theo do and I'm so thankful they didn't tell anyone, because honestly I didn't even mean to tell the in the first place. Tears start streaming down my cheeks. 'How could Gabe do this to me. It's because I'm useless and a waste of space isn't it. It's because everyone hates me and sees me as weak. I'm the unwanted one, the annoying person that is just around and you wish wasn't there.' I keep thinking in my head.

"Who would want someone this broken" I sighed.

"Nolan you home" I heard my dad call for me. Fear starts racing through my body.

"Yeah" I weakly reply hoping he just leaves me alone. But he didn't he came barging into my room.

"Get the fuck up" He said, I could already smell the alcohol coming off of him. "I said get THE FUCK UP" I quickly stood up but then I lost my balance and fell. He started laughing.

"Oh, how pathetic. You can't even stand on your own legs because you're so weak" He grabbed the collar of my shirt and started to punch me.

"How many times to I have to tell you. No one likes a weakling" He said in between each hit. My face eventually got to bloody for him and he moved on to kicking my stomach until it burned too badly I passed out because of the pain. I heard him walk out of my room and close the door. Before I passed out. I knew that he would be heading to the bar now meeting up with my mom and telling her I had gotten into another fight at school, so she wouldn't be concerned from me looking roughed up.

Once I came to I reached for my phone noticing it had been 2 days. I couldn't handle this pain I was knocked out for so long. My own mother didn't even notice me gone. I started dialing a number of someone who could hopefully come and get me but my vision blurred and I don't even know who I called all I heard was them saying "I didn't expect a call so soon. Hello? Hello? I can hear you breathing. I'm coming over" Everything went black again.





Not a Phase- Thiam (Theo + Liam)Where stories live. Discover now