Gone Missing

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Liam's POV

You know that feeling that something terrible has happened you just don't know what it is yet? That kind of heart dropping anxious feeling, being paranoid constantly feeling like someone is watching you. I've had that feeling for a while now. It's been a week since what had happened to Nolan. He's still in the hospital recovering and meanwhile Scott and I have been trying to figure out where the hell Theo is. We've picked up his scent once which lead us to his abandoned car. Theo loves his car so when we came upon it we knew something was wrong. I don't know how much longer I can keep my control in check. I know Gabe had something to do with this, and if not then we are back to square one. I look up at Scott, he always has this concerned look on his face ever since Theo went missing. It's most likely because of the huge bags under my eyes indicating I haven't slept.


"Scott. No I'm not sleeping until we find Theo" He keeps looking at me with very worried eyes. "Scott. I'm fine" he shook his head and walked out of my room leaving me alone with my thoughts. 'I need to find Theo'. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with my phone blowing up.









babe where are you we found theo.



4 missed calls from Scott

2 missed calls from Stiles


They found Theo, it's bad Liam.

5 missed calls from Nolan

My whole body just froze. I didn't know what to do or how to react. My phone started buzzing again.

Nolan? Shouldn't you be asleep?


Nolan's words were all rambled on together he was talking so fast and sounded so scared.

What happened?!

WE I MEAN THEY FOUND UM TH-THEO he paused for a moment It doesn't seem good Liam. I'm still at the hospital with everyone. Theo was brought into my room. He's in another coma.

I'm coming is all I managed to say as I ran out of my house and to the hospital. I've been here too many times for the same reasons.

As I arrived at the hospital I wasted no time I was still running as fast as I could but everything seemed to be in slow motion and still did as soon as I got there. I stopped at the door Nolan was fast asleep in his bed and Scott tried to comfort me but I shoved his hand way. I knew who everyone in the room was except a tall blonde curly haired boy but that didn't even matter to me. I heard mumbled voices saying my name but I still paid no attention to anything but Theo. Time sped up again. I grabbed his hand and said,

"Please T, don't do this again. I already almost lost you one I can't actually lose you." Tears started streaming down my face but I took time to analyze him. He had huge cuts up and down his arms that were very slowly healing, his face badly beaten up with a huge gash across the left side of his face. He was obviously injected with wolvesbane in his neck and arms since there were scars left marked with tiny bruised dots. I can't believe I let this happen to him.

"W-what happened to him" I finally muttered. Everyone was silent for a moment until Lydia spoke up.

"Scott, Stiles, Brett, Mason and Corey all went out to continue to look for him. I don't know exactly why but Brett suggested looking in the sewers since no one goes down there. They went down there and soon noticed it was in fact the hunters base but no one was guarding it, it was most likely an abandoned one. They were about to leave when they heard a very faint heart rate. Scott starting walking towards it as the others followed. There soon enough Theo's scent hit their noses, it wasn't noticeable until they got closer since there were already so many. Once they opened this steal door... Mason ran towards Theo, he was knocked out... They called an ambulance and. Now we're here" I didn't dare to look up at her but I knew most of them could smell the anger coming off of me.

"Liam-" Malia started to speak "Gabe's scent was the strongest one other than Theo's" I tensed up after she said that. I started slipping in and out of control.

"I'm going to kill him" I was almost inaudible, but the small heart beat of Theo started to calm me down.

"Another thing"Brett started talking and walked closer "We went back to Nolan's house after everything and when his dad answered the door, I caught his scent" He started chocking on his own words "He did this to Nolan" he finally let out.

I didn't really know how to react. I should've known what was going on. Nolan was always scared of going home or an anxious scent came off of him when we mentioned his dad or home.

"I-I should've known I could've helped" I started

"Liam" Scott sat down next to me and placed his hand on his shoulder to reassure me "None of us would've ever known if we didn't go back to his house. This isn't your fault none of this" He gestured to Theo. I nodded in response still processing everything I've been told. The one thing I did know was when Theo had gone missing it felt like my world was upside down, like I couldn't breathe or function, but now. Now that he's back and alive. I can breathe again. I never want him out of my life again and if that means protect him with all means necessary then world. Bring it on.





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