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Liam's POV

I got the call from Nolan in the middle of 4th period. I sprinted out of the class room as fast as my feet could take me. I hear Mason and Corey yell behind me along with my teacher but soon enough Mason and Corey would know. Theo Raeken was awake. When I arrived at the hospital my heart started rising and I knew Theo could hear it but honestly I don't care at this point I ran in and saw him sitting up talking to Nolan. He looked at peace but he was drained of color and looked like he had lost a traumatic amount of weight. When he looked up at me I didn't see the beautiful sparkle in those hazel eyes of his just void. My heart sank this showed how much suffering and pain he was going through and I wasn't there to stop it. 

"Hey" I heard his rusty voice break me out of my trance.

"Hi" I said smiling at him from ear to ear.

"Well, um this is uh, I'll leave you guys alone" Nolan said quickly siting in his wheelchair and leaving the room.

I stare back at him. God damn he is stunning. I can feel my heart rising again and I could tell Theo noticed because he got that smirk of knowing something we want to contain, only I don't want to contain my feelings anymore but now isn't the time to express them. 

"I was worried you weren't going to wake up" I said breaking the silence. His face dropped into a frown.

"Yeah, me too" I moved over so I was sitting next to him and we talked for hours, eventually he fell asleep and I just laid there next to him listening to his heart beat. I felt myself falling in and out of being awake and eventually fell asleep.

Nolan's POV

I quickly went out of the room because come on the sexual tension is uncanny and i'm not about to be caught in between that. As I'm rolling away, yes I have to use a wheelchair I can't exactly walk yet but I'll get there I saw Brett sitting outside of the room.

"Hey what are you doing out of bed you shouldn't be up?" He said with concern in his eyes

"I'm okay, Liam came to see Theo. He's awake" Brett started walking towards the room "But don't go in there they need their time alone, I don't think Liam is going to let Theo out of his sight for a while" He laughed, wow how amazing that laugh was. I wish I could be happy sometimes and have a genuine laugh not one of those I'm laughing because I don't know how to respond ones.

"Freckles what are you thinking about?" Brett questioned sitting back down not breaking eye contact. My eyes started watering, he quickly stopped himself from sitting and wheeled me into an empty room. "Hey, hey," He said while shutting the door and bending down to be eye level with me. "What's going on?" Brett said as wiping away a tear on my cheek with his thumb.

I mumbled 

"You gotta speak up a bit werewolf hearing isn't that good" He chuckled

"Why does no one want me, I'm trying to be positive on life but I just can't I keep making up this illusion that I'm okay and I'm not hurting but I am. I hurt so much it feels like I'm dying inside, like I can't breathe. I can't keep going on pretending I'm fine. I feel like one minute I'm on a all time high then the next I feel like I'm slowly dying waiting for the right moment to just not exist anymore. For the other shoe to drop." I signed trying to catch my breath. He just sat there speechless not knowing what emotion to even show on his face other than pure shock. Slowly as he processes it turned into worry.

"Nolan." He begins saying and rest his hand on my cheek the other on my hand. "I care" My head falls "and Theo, Scott, the whole pack and sure as hell Liam he wanted to kill Gabe and your dad for what they've done." I freeze how do they know about my dad, and Gabe hasn't done anything. My heart starts beating faster and anxiety takes over.

"Hey Nolan, Nolan look at me" I move my head out of his hands and move backwards.

"No no no no. No! STOP GET AWAY FROM ME" I start yelling and put my head in my lap with my hands over it.

"No Nolan you're not pushing me away" Brett began to say as he walked closer to be.He grabbed my hands off of my head and held them down as I tried to resist. "Nolan look at me." I slowly rise my head my eyes having tears run out of them. He grabs my chin and closed the space between us, then quickly pulled backwards and analyzed my face to see a reaction. I grabbed his face and smashed mine against it. This kiss started lustful and dominate then slowly turned into all of these feelings crashing down all at once emotion everywhere. We pulled away with out foreheads resting on one and another panting. 

"I told you I cared" He said smiling. I chuckled. 

"It's been a while maybe we should go check up on Liam and Theo"

"Okay freckles what ever you say" He laughs and we exit the room. As we enter the room we saw what looked to be Liam and Theo passed out on the bed with Liam spooning Theo. I heard Brett laugh.

"Who knew the notorious chimera had a soft spot for the true-alphas beta" Brett remarked and I thought to myself 'who knew the independent loner wolf had a soft spot for the ex-hunter human' what a crazy world we live in.





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