Fucked Up

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hahahahahha love the title (yes betches it relates to the story) ok now heres the new chapter

2 weeks later

Liam's POV

TOOOOODDAAYYYY IS THE DAY! THEO COMES HOME! Well, let me explain a little more. For the past two weeks, slowly but surely Theo was healing from everything, Nolan had gotten released a couple days ago and has been staying with Scott because Melissa wants to keep a close eye on him. Soooooo, to celebrate them coming home you all know what means! PAAAARRRRRTTTTYYYYYYY!!!!!!! We are driving up to Lydia's lake house and throwing a mother fricken rager. I heard a knock on my door knowing that must be Theo, I don't think I've ever ran faster in my life.

"THEO" I yelled smiling like a total dork.


"Theo, you didn't even-"

"LIAM, I know you, I know you're brain. No. Party" I glared at Theo.

"Who said you had a choice" right after I spoke those words he looked taken aback. 

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Theo rolled his eyes

"So are we leaving or??" I nodded my head and we began our very long hour drive.

For most of the ride it was silent but like a good kind of silent, as if we were just enjoying being in each others presence, but after a while Theo spoke up. "How's uh school?" oh my god Theo literally the most boring question I thought to myself.

"Theo, you had 30 minutes to come up with a question and you say, How's school?" he laughed, oh my gooooddddd that laugh. It's that kind of laugh that would literally have any girl at his feet. Yes I literally am admitting in my head that I have a thing you could say for Theo.

"Baby Wolf, like what you're seeing?" I had just noticed while I had been thinking about Theo I had also been zoned looking at him. 

"I- uh- um-" COME ON LIAM SAY SOMETHING "noo????" oh my god that's the best I could come up with. For the rest of the miserable ride Theo played music and hummed, I guess it wasn't that miserable since he can actually sing so it was a humble ride you could say. After about 25 minutes we arrived. I could hear Theo's heart rate increasing the closer we got to the front door. I grabbed his had and turned him towards me.

"Theo relax, it's just the pack" He nodded and we headed in. Right as we walked in we were greeted by a VERY drunk Stiles.

"HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY GUYSSS WELCOME TO THE PARTAYYY" He said with a cheesy smile opening the door. The rest of the pack was just as bad or worse than Stiles, I mean hammered. Except for Nolan because of the medicine he's on he can't mix it with alcohol, but I can tell him and Brett as having a lot, a lot of fun. 


"What the hell is 'thiam'" Theo said annoyed, Stiles punched Scott and mumbled something. We just shrugged it off and sat down in the little circle the pack created. Scott started.

(they are drunk so I'm going to be typing and misspelling things so you guys understand how wasted they are haha (but they'll remember everything so heheheh))

"Stiles truth or dAre" Stiles laughed and replied with truth

"OK, SO have you ever had a thing for someonee or wiht someone that nobodee knows about?" Stiles face froze.

"Uh-" I could hear his heart rate increasing and him looking at Lydia with 'i don't want you to know this' face' "yes" he quickly replied. Scott looked pleased but everyone knew that would come back to bite Stiles in the ass.

"BRETT, my good man how are you feeling tonightte, truth or dare" Brett literally looked stoned and I mean he just had a blank smiling expression on his face.

"DARE" he yelled very loudly. Stiles eyes turned mischievous.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room" Brett had no hesitation and smacked his lips on Nolans's then very quickly pulled away. Nolan looked very pleased.

Brett cleared his throat "LYYYYYDDIAAAA" her head snapped to face him.

"Truth" she quickly replied. 

Brett sighed "BOOORRRING, anyways how many people have you slept with"

She laughed as if everyone knew the answer "Five" the game went on and stupid questions and dares were done but then Malia's turn came to ask someone.

"Liauumm, trUTh or dAAAre"

"Um, truth" I replied

"Can I ask two (they relate to each other)" she whisper-yelled

"Um knock yourself out" I said, she began laughing.

"OK, okay. What happened between you and Hayden and do you have the hots for anyone if so who" my face went pale, if I lied they all would know, but if I tell the truth. Theo would know.

"Um, well she cheated on me, not that big of a deal I'm over it" I stopped talking

"ANNNDD" Mason yelled from the other side of the room

"Yes I do like someone but I really would prefer to keep that a little private at the moment"

"LIAM YOU'RE FUCKING KILLING ME HERE" Mason yelled, the rest of the pack started laughing but Theo just sat there confused, our eyes kind of locked in with one and another by the time we snapped out of the trance everyone was already dancing and drinking again. Theo made the gesture to go outside and I followed.

"Sooooo" Theo started saying 

"No, Theo I'm not telling you who" he just starred at me.

"Who said I'm asking, uh no I'm guessing bitch" great Theo is drunk too I thought.

"Is it ummmm a girl" I just looked at him

"A boy" I turned my head away from him


"Ok Theo let's get back inside it's getting late" I looked at my watch and it read 2:30 am. We walked back inside and people were passed out everywhere. Nolan and Brett on a love seat, Mason and Corey on another, Scott and Malia were on the couch, but not looking like a happy couple. Lydia and Stiles most likely went upstairs into a bedroom. I remember Lydia telling me something about a guest bedroom so I had to pick up the drunken chimera and carry him up the stairs.


"Shhhh! Theo don't wake everyone up" When I found the guest bedroom I laid Theo on the bed and began to lay down on the floor.

"No, come up here in the bed" Theo said quietly. I started smiling knowing he couldn't see anything since I had already turned off the lights.

"What ever you want T" and I laid down very close to the edge of the bed. I felt something on my back and when I turned over it happened to be a very tired chimera trying to pull me closer. I really didn't want to take advantage of him but he had a fucking death grip on me so I gave in. We fell asleep cuddling in the center of the bed.





Not a Phase- Thiam (Theo + Liam)Where stories live. Discover now