HAVE YOU EVER SEEN the movie "kiss and Cry"? because I'm that girl. I'm the girl that always smiles. I always find away to be positive, a reason to smile. even on my darkest days I smile.
When people ask why I'm always so positive I just tell them; "my blood type is positive".
I'm especially happy when the sun is shining, and seeing that I live in LA that is almost every day. And because of that I'm physically and mentally not able to be sad. At least not for long.
Also a reason why I'm always smiling are my friends. Lola, Emma, Herman and Nikki.
Nikki is by far my best friend. We live next to each other and have been best friend since we can remember. That's because our moms are also best friends. they where pregnant at the same time and then we came out of them. We are basically raised as sisters and so doe sit feel. I literally can't imagine my life without her.
Lola and Emma are twins, they are so alike it's almost scary. They say the same things at the same time and I'm convinced they have the same mind. One time I was out with Lola and Nina was out with Emma and we called and at exactly the same time they said "can I have some food?". It was freaky and I'd be lying if I say I'm not a bit scared of them.
Herman is Dutch, Well he's got Dutch blood. that's why he's so damn long. Next to that he's gay and that makes him even more fantastic. We have this agreement that if a guy we like is longer than him he's for him and if not he's for me Nikki, Lola or Emma.
'where is your mind' Nikki waved in front of my eyes
'in my head' I smiled
'you're so weird' Lola scoffed
'no one ever made a difference by being like everyone else' I quoted P.T. Barnum form the movie "the greatest showman".
I am obsessed with movies, I watch one at least one a day. I quote them as much as I can and this is one of my favorites because it's true. No on ever made a difference by being like everyone else.
'anyway' Nikki shook her head laughing 'schools out' she stood up like the rest of us and we walked out of the classroom.
'beau' I felt two arms around me
'Alex' I smirked and turned around to my boyfriend. he's my perfect men, he's blond, nice, happy and French. That's why he calls me beau, it means beautiful in French.
'what do you think about going to my house, no one's home' he smirks. That almost never happens because he has 3 younger sisters plus his parents.
'that sounds cool' I smirk and then kiss him. I already know what's going to happen.
'Ava' I heard someone yell and I turned around to see Nikki, Herman, Lola and Emma
'we're going to- oh my god you're nose is bleeding' Herman says and I place my finger under my nose and then look at it. it has blood on it.
Weird this never happens.
'excuse me' I mumbled and I ran to the bathroom where I placed a bit of paper under m noose
'why did you have that?' Nikki comes in and I shrug
'but anyway, we are going to the parc, want to come with?' she asked but I shook my head
'Alex's parents aren't home' I smirked and she rolled her eyes
'at least use protection'
'you know I will' I flush the bloody paper in the toilet and then walk out
'see you tomorrow' she gave me a kiss on my cheek
'have fun' I yelled as they walked away
'use protection' Nikki yelled back and I laughed
8 checks
Romance8 CHECKS ------ She started the horror he just ended ------ 'And I promise you, we will check every item on that bucket-list' he said before kissing her ------ Ava, She's happy, bubbly, funny, the perfect girl you would say. She's has the perfec...