I'm so sorry

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Hey Potatoes,

Oui, Oui, Oui, mon ami. Yes, i know I've been gone a long time. Just over two months to be precise. The last two months can only be described as a whirlwind of tears, smiles and thoughts. This chapter is in no payment to what I owe you guys. You've all been so dedicated by reading my chapters straight away and I basically ditched you all on a cliffhanger. 

I've got myself sorted for the moment in time and I hope in two months time, I won't be writing a similar chapter to this. 

Again, I'm so so sorry and I hope you all forgive me. 

(If it's any contribute, Aberforth may or may not be featuring in the next chapter)?

Don't let the muggles get you down,

Grangers_Twin xxx

(I'll leave you with these two)

(I'll leave you with these two)

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