Chapter 4

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Harper's POV
They started to walk over. I hoped that they would just walk past because my antisocial self didn't want to talk. But they didn't walk past. "Hey I'm Daniel." I looked up to see that it was the boy I was staring at before. "Harper." I said back.
"Theses are my friends." And one by one they introduced themselves.
They finished introducing themselves and it was our turn. I went first. "I'm Harper Isabella Hart, I have the same birthday as Jack and I'm from Portland. Like Daniel." That's  a really  weird coincidence I thought to myself.
"I'm Bella Madaleina Marie, I'm 20 in November and I was born and raised in Dallas Texas."
" I'm Avery Rose Mae, 19 and I'm from Ontario in Canada."
"Allie Davis, I'm 19 and I'm from Illinois."
"And finally I'm Star Harris um 18 blah, blah, blah and I'm from New York."
We got to know the boys and Daniel seemed even more perfect.

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