Chapter 16

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Harper's POV
The meal finished and we were about to head back when Daniel asked to talk to me in private. I told everyone to just go ahead. "Harper can I ask you something?"
"You just did." I replied, and we both laughed. "Harper, I know I've only known you for three days but still. I think you are perfect. You're funny, kind, caring, there's so much more to say but we would be here forever. There's something special about you. So Harper will you make me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend?" He was so sweet. I was speechless so I just nodded my head. We hugged for a while then pulled back. We looked into each others eyes and he started to lean in.
He kissed me! And I kissed back! It felt amazing. I felt butterflies and as cliche as it sounds sparks flew.
I loved this boy.

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