Adrenaline Rush

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A/n: Thank u so much on support on previous chapter ❤️😭 ! Love u all so much 🌍!

“Man, it’s a pretty huge crowd out there.” Shawn was basically shaking. Camila had never ever seen him this nervous for a show. It was almost unheard of for him to be this nervous. He was so at home on stage, he seemed more nervous just walking down the street to get lunch than getting on stage in front of all of those people. 

“It isn’t that bad, Shawn.” She smirked at him, pulling her self up to sit on the counter were he was supposed to get ready, but he wasn’t using it. He was sitting on the grey sofa near the left of the dressing room he was provided tuning the first guitar he used on stage. 

“I never said it was bad.” He looked up at Cuban for a second, a grin teasing the corners of his lips. “It’s just a big crowd.” He was messing around with the A string, seemingly not being able to quite get it right. It was probably his fumbling fingers. But if she had to hear a flat A one more time she was going to rip her ears off. 

“Do you want some help?” Camila winced as he plucked the string one more time, sounding flatter than it did the last time. He shook his head rather vigorously, which she expected. He was rather particular about how his acoustic was tuned whenever he would go on stage. He wanted to make sure everything was absolutely perfect every time he stepped foot onto that stage. She knew it was probably rather stupid to ask. He’d never let her touch that guitar before a show. 

“I’ll be fine.” He was probably nervous because this was his final concert, in his hometown nonetheless, all of his friends were out in that audience. People from his high school, family members, so many people he knew were out in that crowd, and even though it was just as big as all of the other concerts he had played throughout the tour, maybe even smaller than some. 

“You look like you’re about to have a panic attack.” Camila scoffed, pulling her legs underneath her. He just smiled and shook his head a little bit, focusing way too much on that guitar. Camila thanked her lucky stars he wasn’t as insane about his electric guitar. 

“Why are you in here with me and not out there.” He nodded his head towards the door, referencing the audience. Camila shuddered just thinking about sitting out there with a shitton of kids she went to high school with and hated. They all did sports and were rather popular back in the day, and not that they were mean to her, but Shawn’s old group of friends from high school were not her favorite people. Camila had always been close friends with him since freshman year when they were both placed in an intro to art class and they were sat with one another because they both couldn’t draw to save their lives. He was close with all of those other people back before he was famous, but he started to notice a lot of them only made an effort to stay close with his busy schedule only due to his intense rising fame. He didn’t mind all that much, but he didn’t make quite as much an effort. As for Camila and Shawn, she had stayed close from the moment she had met up until now. It was almost funny when the others out there would post photos calling Shawn their best friend, when in reality Camila was. She was just that random girl who played violin in advanced orchestra who they had no idea why Shawn hung out with her. 

Still hung out with her. And let her come with him on his summer north american tour and even come with him on some of his European dates. 

It still warmed her heart that those girls in that group that he had hung out with, those girls on the dance team and volleyball team, the girls he had over the years kissed and fooled around with, those girls who were everything that she thought that she wasn't second to her.

“Those are your friends, not mine.” she shot back, expecting to get the usual, ‘I know you aren’t their biggest fan but you only have to be nice. They aren’t that bad.’ That was the spiel Camila usually got whenever she complained about having to associate with his friends. But this time, he just shrugged, probably too preoccupied before this show that he, for some reason, was totally freaked out about.

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