We Won't Lose Her

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Camila sat back in the sofa as her silent tears fell down her cheeks.
Front doors of the big house opened and voice called "baby I'm home" when she heard him, she started to sob.

He walked in, and as he saw her he quickly walked to her "hey, hun what's wrong" she collapsed in his hands.

"I can't Shawn, I can't" he kissed her side of the head "shh, calm down"
She took few breaths and looked at him "she won't stop crying, I can't be mum" his heart ached in most painful way.

"Baby, what are you talking about"

"Our baby, she won't stop crying, she's not eating, her fever is just getting higher" Shawn hugged her with his strong hands.
"Even the medicine she is getting her resists to take them"

"I can't be the mum" his eyes teared but he menaged to not cry.
"Mila, I'm not perfect dad, I'm working I'm never here to make her feel loved nor I'm never here to change her diaper. Make her fall asleep. Like you do" he kissed her forehead as he held her close.

"We'll take her to the doctor after she wakes up, she's so exhausted" he nodded as he took her hands and lifted her up.
They went to their bedroom and laid down.

"You need to sleep too. You're so tired, baby. You're not even eating, you lost weight"

"I can't eat"

He sighed as she closed her eyes and one tear rolled down.
Shawn came closer and locked their lips together, holding for little longer so she could know. He loves her and she's never alone.
Camila already knows that all.


After two hours one and half year baby girl woke them up by crying.
"I'll get her, you get yourself ready" she nodded as he went away.

Camila quickly changed and walked to baby's room where little Lara cried words "daddy"

Shawn kissed her head whispering "I love you so much" he made her calm and she stopped crying.

Camila changed her PJs and went outside to the car where Camila put her in the back.

"Let's go" Shawn started the car as he held his wife's hand.
They're pretty young and having a girl they saw beauties and hard pain.

Camila turned around to see her little girl holding bear close to her body.
Small smile creeped on her face as she saw her being normal. But that isn't it. She wants to see her smiling being happy and healthy.

They arrived at the hospital and Shawn took her in his hands, she wrapped her small arm around his neck and in other hand she held her favorite teddy bear what her daddy got her.
Her small head rested on his shoulder. Camila walked behind him never moving gaze from her.

They knew their doctor here so they went to the room she worked in.
Camila knocked on the doors and Camila's best friend opened "hi Mila!"
"Ariana" her voice low.

"What's wrong" she looked at Shawn then their little girl.
"I don't know what's wrong, please help us" Camila sounded like she is begging.

"Yes of course, get in"

They went inside and Ariana started with questions and Camila talked as Shawn played with little girl.

"She won't eat, her sleep is max like 3 hours she's crying, Ariana I don't know" Camila let tear fall down.

"I'm scared, you know how it all started at the risk please help us"

Ariana nodded with sadness in her eyes she walked to Lara and Shawn.
"Hi baby"

"Aunty" Ariana nodded "yes Lara, come to me" she rised her hands open.

"You two relax I'll call you when I'm over with everything"

They got out.


Shawn and Camila sat together resting their heads on each others.
Her hand squeezed his and he rubbed it with small circles.
He kissed her head saying small, but meaningful "I love you"

"Shawn we can't lose her, I'm scared"


"My pregnancy was dangerous, when I was getting birth she almost died together with me, I can't lose her, we can't"

Shawn sighed softly remembering every pain he felt back that time.
"I got you two Angels, I'm so grateful for God to have you, baby"


Shawn called Camila in the baby room as she was making dinner for them.
She walked inside and saw him with huge smile as he held Lara in his hands.

"Mama Mila, I got surprised to you" She gazed curious.
Little Lara looked at her mum with happy eyes all amazed by her strong mother.
"Mama" she clapped with her hands.

"Oh MY GOD!" Camila screamed "she - she just called - me mum" he nodded kissing Lara's cheek "her first words"
Camila's eyes teared with luck as she walked to them.

"God I love you little baby and you so much Daddy" he smiled and kissed her lips.

"Dada" Shawn's eyes widened and he smiled kissing his wife.

Flashback ends.

"We won't lose her" he whispered to her as he held her close.

Shawmila Imagines {Rewriting} Where stories live. Discover now