Sleepless Nights

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A/n: sorry it's not second part of One Night. 'cuz I hate myself and life sucks at the moment.
I wrote this at my job lol 😂, all I want is to be in bed but I can't cuz I need to work.

I felt cold at night, not only because of the fight I had with Shawn, but because his body was so close to mine but yet so far away. He wasn’t wrapping his arms around my waist like he always did. I was hoping to feel him move closer during my sleepless night but he snored gently on his side of the bed. Turning to the other side I faced our window. Where tiny droplets of rain raiced down. Looking at the window I again remembered our fight we had. Him yelling at me while holding his guitar. I accidently ripped one of the strings and he got really mad about it.  Squeezing my eyes together, attempting to hold back the tears, as I stayed cuddled under the blankets, trying not to wake Shawn. Part of me wished he would wake up and pull me closer to him while the other part was scared that he would be even more mad at me than before. I turn around facing Shawn. My eyes trailed up and down his sleeping angelic face. Quiet sigh leaving my mouth. His eyes flutter open making me quickly shut my eyes yet again. Long sigh escaping his mouth when his hand touched my wet face. I held my breath when Shawn rolled over to me, his hot breath tickling my neck. Muscles flexing when both of his arms instantly traveled around my waist locking around it. His lips leaving a small kiss on my neck then his head burying in it. “Shh” he whispered, his sleepy voice mixing with the sounds of rain. “I’ll help you sleep” quiet hum leaving his mouth making my eyelids heavier with each second as I fell asleep protected and loved in his arms.

Shawmila Imagines {Rewriting} Where stories live. Discover now