One Night | pt. 2

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A/n: sorry for waiting :(

Shawn slowly rubbed the glass of the picture frame as he sighed.
Small smile appeared on his face as he looked at it.
Camila and Shawn.
He giving her a piggy back, she all cute and excited looking.

After putting it in box he scanned his apartment what is half empty.

It's been month and a half, since he had her, just for him own, that one night.

After that they talked about them.
But nothing is made up.
Camila disappeared 3 weeks ago, he hasn't seen her since the coffee they had, just quick texts.

He decided to move away, since she's happy with Matthew.

Shawn sighed as he heard a knock on the doors.

It was just 7:30 in the morning, he wondered who that can be, that early.

He opened doors and in front of him stood brown girl, with blood shoot eyes and elegant clothes.

"Hi" she smiled as her words came out like a soft wind.


She looked at his eyes and grinned "can I come in?" He nodded and let her inside.

As she walked further into the apartment, she turned around eyeing him confused
"Are you moving out?"
Sadly he nodded, sitting down on sofa.

"Where, new house?" She sat next to him, her face showing small pain, she held her stomach and thigh.

"No, Europe, actually" her eyes widened in shock and disappointed "what?" Her voice just above whisper.

Again, he nodded.

She looked down at her hands, keeping quiet, and sad...he asked "why are you here so early"

Her eyes snapped and hands fell down "I came to say something, important, for you to know"

He arrowed his eyebrows "what's that?"

She exhaled heavily
"You know when you asked me if matthew is the one?" He nodded anxiously.

"I - He is older -" he chuckled "I know that"

She cracked her fingers and looked down at her feet then again at him, meeting his curious, beautiful eyes.

"He - kinda wants children" he swallowed "and I - I am pregnant"

Shawn felt like someone pulled out his heart and smashed it on the floor. Like knife stabbed his brain, thats how much of the pain he felt.
Like a nightmare.

He turned away and his head fell into his hands.

"Tell me you're lying" he whispered on the edge of the tears.

She ignored what he said even it hurts her.
"Now, sorry for not seeing you this long time, I had my emotions mixed" she said in the last breath.

He looked at her with tears in his eyes, it broke her heart.

"I realized, you - " she swallowed trying to touch him "you mean more to me, Shawn"


She closed her eyes "sorry, I was stupid, I love you, so much" her eyes watered
"Stop, please stop" he beggerd

"After time we spent together felt like a dream, that night. Then after not seeing you for long, it felt - nightmare"

He took her hands as tears rolled down her pretty pale face.

"I can't stop, I want you SHAWN!"

"You're confessing your feelings for me, when you're pregnant with other guy?" Tear rolled down his rosy cheeks. Heart ached for something, his mind wishes all this isn't real.

"Shawn -"

He cut her "please don't"

His eyes flew to her stomach, he exhaled "how? why? Why's my life bad?" He asked and cried looking at her belly "I wish I am not alive, you never met me"

"What are you talking about?"
She wiped away her tears
"You would be happy, with Matthew without me"

She shocked her head, wiping his tears away, he shocked at her touch.
Her second time seeing him cry, again she's the reason.

"No, no, I would never be happy with him"

He looked at her confused with laugh in his mouth.

"You're having a baby" he chocked on his words.

"Shawn, every time, we made love, I KNOW" he made disgusting face, but she haven't seen that.
"I KNOW! We were protected"
She whispered the last word.

He looked at her again, his face all wet from weak tears.
"I'm confused"

She sat closer to him, their legs brushing, Camila took his hands in hers.
Cuban exhaled and replaced his hands on her stomach.
He looked at it and swallowed.
Why is she doing this?
As she started to rub his hands on her belly he looked at her eyes, deeply.
She showed small smile with sparkles.

"What?" He asked quietly.

She just nodded, he shocked his head not believing her movements. 
"Yes Shawn, yes"

Small smile creeped on his face after the time passed.
"Really?" His heart dropped down.
Breathing heavily, not believing, he whispered "mine?"

"Yours" she let out a happy laugh with tears as she saw him smiling.

"Mine" he cried and rubbed her not yet exposing bump.

She took his face between her palms, this time not scared of him breaking her heart, because she now knows he would never do that.
She kissed him, he kissed back tasting her lips.

"What happened with Matthew?" He asked and she closed her eyes "we're over, don't ask about him more" he nodded pecking her lips again.

"You can't leave !" She whispered on her lips, "I'm not leaving now or never" he hugged her, holding her close "I promise"

"I love you" she buried her head in crock of his neck, "how long?"

"3 weeks" she kissed his chin as she felt lovable warm palms on her belly.

"I carried piece of you in me for 3 weeks, and I'll for 9 months" he kissed her hair, smelling her.

"Are you happy?" As she asked she pulled away from hug.

"I still think I'm dreaming" she locked their fingers together "you're not"

"Nightmare turned into a dream, you're all mine"

"Forever" she pecked his lips, it nothing felt like Matthew's, Shawn's everything.

"I'm going to be a dad" she nodded "you're"

"And you mum" his eyes showing the sunshine and warm luck.

"I love you so much" Brown girl kissed his cheek bumping them down on sofa, "I love you more" he hugged her, never letting her go, his hands felt her small stomach what made him smile.

From one night it turned into one morning what changed his whole life.

A/n: S-U-C-K-S
I am Disappointed.

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