The Powerful Trio

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New FanFiction! Yay!
A huge thanks goes to @Falloutfandoms for making the cover for this story!

(Warning, under major editing due to major grammatical errors)


Sky's POV

I let out a small groan and sit up from the cold hard ground.

'Where am I?'


"Sky! where are you?" Deadlox called.

"I'm hiding with MinecraftUniverse! come find us." I whisper-yelled from my hiding spot.

Deadlox rolled his eyes and looked towards my direction.

"C'mon Sky, this isn't funny, Bajan and the Fluffy are waiting for us."

I sighed in defeat and went to answer, but paused as a scream ripped through the air

Acting quickly, I jumped out of the bush and looked around frantically for the source of the scream.

"That sounded like Jason." Ty exclaimed.

I nodded and ran towards the sound, Ty close behind.

"Jason!" I called out.

"Sky!" Jason responded.

I ran towards his voice and came to a lake.

"Oh no." I whispered.

"What's wrong Sky?" Deadlox asked, joining me by the lake.

"I think the squids got Jason." I muttered, staring down at the murky water.

"Let's go get the team together and go down there." Ty suggested.

I nodded and turned to start heading back, but paused as a slimy tentical wrapped around my ankle, pulling me into the lake.

Sighing I positioned myself on the ground of a dark cell, alone, soaked, and cold.

A loud boom echoed through the cell as a blinding flash of white occurred.

When I could see again, I find myself staring into a pair of glowing, soulless, white eyes.

"H-Herobrine!" I stuttered, backing up to the wall of my cell.

"Hello, Sky." he smirked.

"W-what do you w-want from me."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "The budder god stutters?"

I swallowed a lump in my throat and stood against the wall.

"I'm no god. Just a king."

Herobrine scoffed. "The whole overworld praises you! All you're lacking is ultimate power."

I glared at him. "I don't want your charity."

He scoffed again. "It's not charity, let's call it. A gift you can't refuse."

My eyes widened as I realized what he was planning.

"You can't make me do what you want." I growled, standing a little taller.

"You're wrong, my friend, I can do anything I want."

And with that, his eyes flashed a bright white and my world was consumed by darkness.


"Wake up!" A raspy voice yelled as a shock of electricity shot trough my arm.

I gasped and jolted up into a sitting position.

"Finally." the voice breathed as if annoyed.

I looked in the direction of the voice and gasped, stumbling backwards

Hovering over the warm netherack floor, was the Wither.

"Hello MinecraftUniverse." the Wither sneered.

"What are you doing here?" I growled.

He chuckled evilly. "You'll see ."

As if on cue, a bright flash if white blinded me and Herobrine appeared next to the Wither.

I gasped again and backed up further until my back was pressed firmly to the wall.

"Hello Jason." he smirked, his eyes digging deep into mine.

Before I could react, they flashed a brighter white and my world faded into darkness.

Deadlox's POV

I gasped as I watched Sky plunge into the dark water.

"Sky!" I called out, running towards the water and jumping in.

Before I could hit the water, an End portal appeared under my feet, teleporting me out of the world.

I let out a surprised gasp and took in the End dimension.

"Welcome to my home, Deadlox." A dark and draconic voice growled from the void.

I gulped and spun around.

Two purple eyes met mine, ones that I found difficult to look away from.

"Enderdragon." I growled.

"You're not happy to see me?"

"After the last time where you almost killed Sky, um, no." I spat.

The dragon growled and a bright flash of light appeared next to him.

When the light faded, Herobrine was standing there with a big smirk on his face.

"Hello Deadlox." He sneered.

I stumbled father away and tried to run, only to be tripped by the dragons long black tail.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face them

Herobrine's eyes immediately locked with mine and flash a bright white, knocking me out cold.

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