Ch.14: The Infirmary

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Last day of tryouts yay! hoping I do good and make the volleyball team. Also I'm hoping to make junior varsity or freshman A team... enough rambling, on with the story!

Jerome's POV

I groan and sit up.

"Hey Jerome. How are you feeling?" Mitch's voice rings in my ears.

I turn and find him in a hospital bed next to me, restraints on his ankles and wrists.

"What happened?" I moan, leaning against the pillows of my cot.

"I stabbed your side." he mumbles.

"Mitch that wasn't-"

"It was too me, Jerome. Everyone saw that it was me!" he snaps.

I shrink back into the pillows and wait for him to finish.

He sighs and leans back against his pillows. "I'm sorry Jerome. I can't believe I did that."

"Herobrine had you under a spell. Don't blame yourself."

"How can I not? I watched myself do it and enjoyed it." he sighs again. "I'm a monster."

"Mitch, your anything but a monster. You've saved my life before."

"I've also almost taken it, twice." he growls.

"It was out of defense Biggums. I would've reacted the same way."

"Jerome, just stop it okay? I don't need any encouragement."

"Mitch. I don't want you to live your life thinking you almost killed me, because I promise you that's not true."

He grunts and he tenses up, his arms fighting the restraints and his eyes squeezed shut.

"What's wrong Biggums?"

He relaxes and leans against the pillows of his cot.

"Nothings wrong. I'm just trying to keep Herobrine out of my head. It feels like he put this demon inside me and it's trying to make me something I'm not." He sighs.

"Which would be that thing that attacked you in the Nether." He adds quietly.

I sit up and walk over to him.

"Mitch, you know that as long as it wasn't you willingly trying to kill me, then I'll be okay."

He sighs and looks down at his chest, then his eyes go wide.

"Jerome, can you see if I'm wearing a chain around my neck?"

I look at his neck and shake my head. "No. Were you wearing something?"

"No way." he whispers.

"Biggums what's wrong?"

"Looking for these?" an evil voice booms through the room.

I turn towards the voice and step in front of Mitch's bed, trying my best to defend him.

"What do you want Sky." I growl, noticing a chain with small tags hanging off it in his hands.

"Relax, I've done enough damage to your friend. I just came to return his most 'prized possession'."

"What did you do to them?" Mitch growls.

I shoot him a confused look.

"Oh, I forgot that the bacca doesn't know about your precious dog tags." Skybrine smirks, throwing the burnt chain at Mitch.

He gasps and holds the chain in his hands.

"Why." he whimpers, tears brimming his eyes.

"Mitch what's wrong?" I ask.

"These tags were given to me when I was little... They're all I have left of my family."

"It's a shame. They got dropped in lava while I was in my fortress." Skybrine says, an evil grin growing on his face.

Mitch grunts and his body tenses again.

I grab his hands and his body relaxes again.

"How's that demon treating you Mitchell?"

Mitch glares at him. "You son of a b*tch."

He fights his restraints and grips the chain tighter.

Skybrine smirks and takes a step towards us both.

"Leave him alone." I growl, balling my hands into fists and letting go of Mitch.

Skybrine waves his hand to the side, as if he were swatting away a fly, and I fly into a wall.

"Jerome!" Mitch exclaims.

I struggle to stand as my world spins around me.

Skybrine smirks at my struggle and he throws a sleeping potion at me.

The last thing I see is Mitch struggling to free himself again as he screams my name.

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