Ch.18: Sky?

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Jerome's POV

I watch Mitch walk out of the room with a sigh.

"He just needs a few moments to let this all set in." I mumble, sitting on his bed.

"Jerome, what happened while I was out?"

"I don't know the full story, but I do know that at one point you had Mitch under control."

"He must be p*ssed at me."

"Adam you didn't do anything. Heck you don't even remember any of it."

"Thanks Jerome."

"No pro-" the door slamming open cuts me off.

"Etho's de- Adam?" Ty asks, cutting himself off.

"I'm back." he says with a fake smile.

This must be really hard for him.

"How?" Ty asks, joining us in the room.

"Seto. He's in a coma now, but he somehow got Herobrine out of me."

"Sone good news at last." Ty whispers.

"What do you mean? what happened now?" I ask.

His smile drops and sadness fills his eyes.

"Etho's dead."

My eyes widen in shock.

A good friend that I've known for a long time, dead?

"It was me wasn't it?" Sky asks, his voice quiet.


"Wasn't it?" he asks, his voice raised.

"Adam calm down okay. You don't need to worry about what happened. It. Wasn't. You."

"I know you know it was me, Ty."

"Adam stop. We all did things we wouldn't have done willingly while Herobrine was inside you okay?" I snap.

He sighs and holds his head in his hands.

"I'll give you two a minute to talk." I mumble getting off the bed an walking to my room.

As I walk, recruits ask me questions about Sky and Mitch, but I ignore them.

I'm too distracted to even listen to them.

The only thing on my mind is Mitch and how horrible this must be for him.

I reach our rooms and find his door slightly open.

"Hey Biggums, can I talk to you?" I ask, knocking on the door.

After waiting a couple seconds and getting no reply, I knock again.


With a heavy sigh I walk over to my bedroom door.

A scream makes me freeze in my steps and rush into Mitch's room.

I gasp at the sight.


Sorry for the short chapter...

Vball is running my life and I have little time/energy to update anymore.

I'll try my best to keep updating, but please understand if I don't.


-Bai :)

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