Ch.6: He Shows Up

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Mitch's POV

I sit up in the cot, the morning sun burning my eyes.

"Morning biggums." I mumble, looking over at the still asleep bacca.

Sighing I get out of bed and walk to Seto's room.

I knock on the door and Seto opens it.

"Ready to get the team together?" I ask.

He nods and runs down the stairs to Ty's room.

I run into Ian's room and wake him up.

Seto and I continue to run around and wake up our friends and tell them to meet us in the dungeon.

"Is everyone here?" Seto asks when we were done.

There were murmurs of yes's and Seto opens the secret door.

There are gasps from the crowd, followed by silence.

"This is where Sky is being held. He appeared in the hospital last night and Mitch managed to knock him out. His powers will not harm us so it's safe to walk in." Seto says, leading us inside.

I walk over to Sky and slap him, making him wake up instantly.

"Where am I? why can't I break free?" he growls.

"Welcome to prison Sky." I say, with a smirk.

His head snaps in my direction and his white eyes dig into mine.

"What do you want." he growls again.

"I want my friends back." I growl, slamming my fist on the arm of the chair.

Seto clears his throat and I take a step back.

"Adam, we all know your in there. No one can just push you out." I say.

"What do you know about me?" he snarls.

Ty steps up. "I know everything there is to know about you."

"Oh yeah? prove it."

"I know budder is your favorite ore, you hate squids because your girlfriend cheated on you twice with a hybrid, you refuse to mine budder because you think it deserves to be in it's natural habitat, that amulet you wear around your neck was once your mothers before she died to a squid, you-"

"That's enough!" Sky roars.

Ty walks over and leans in Sky's face.

"You can fight this Sky, I see it in your eyes that your trying. Just push him out, don't let Herobrine win."

Sky's eyes squint shut and his muscles tense.

"C'mon Sky, fight it. Herobrine can't own you."

"N-No!" Sky yells as a flash of white blinds us all.

When we can see again, Sky's head is hanging low and he's breathing heavily.

"Sky?" Quentin whimpers.

His head lifts up slowly. "I do good?" He whispers.

Ty chuckles and pats his back. "You do good."

The rooms fills with sighs of relief and I'm wrapped in a furry embrace.

"Biggums I'm free!" Jerome exclaims.

"Jerome!" I say, wrapping my arms around him.

A loud boom breaks us apart and Herobrine stands in between us and Deadlox and Sky.

"Good work, Deadlox. You managed to break the spell. I give you props for that." Herobrine says, clapping.

The room falls silent and all eyes are on Herobrine.

Sky takes a step forward but his knees buckle and he nearly falls.

'He's weak from fighting!'

"Good observation Mitchell." Herobrine smirks, turning his attention towards me.

I take a step in front of Jerome and wrap a protective arm around him.

"Your not hurting him again. I've had enough of you hurting my friends and family." I growl.

He eyes me down and grins. "Your stronger. You might actually put up a decent fight this time."

I glare at him as a diamond sword appears in his hand.

"Sadly I have to take care of something before I can fight you." Herobrine says, sheathing his sword and turning to face Adam.

Sky's eyes turn white again and Herobrine disappears.

He then collapses and starts to breath heavily.

"Sky!" Deadlox exclaims, bending down next to him.

"Ty, take a step back." Seto says slowly.

Ty gives him a confused look but obeys.

I relax a little and look down at Sky, who is starting to stand again.

"Someone hand me a sword." I grumble.

"Mitch, what's going on?" Jerome asks.

"Herobrine's possessing Adam and once he's gained full control, he'll try to fight us. Then, he'll try to finish me off." I mumble, my eyes never leaving Sky's body.

"Why though?"

"Same reason he killed my family all those years ago. He wants to see me suffer for something I did."

Sky's POV

"Thought you could get rid of me?" Herobrine's dark voice rings through my mind.

I fall to my knees and try to hold him back.

"Your too weak to hold me back Sky, you shouldn't have fought earlier."

"This was going to happen eventually. Better now that everyone's prepared than when no one can put up a decent fight."

Herobrine scoffs and his power starts to fill my veins.

"I'm taking over."

"No! I'm not letting you take control without a fight." I growl, fighting harder.

"Your fighting a loosing battle Sky, resistance is futile."

"No, I will dye fighting to protect my friends."

"Suit yourself." Herobrine says, a smirk clear in his voice.

His power grows and I'm overwhelmed.

I black out, looking at my best friends horrified face.

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