Ch.4: Hospital Visits

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Seto's POV

"Brain dead?" I ask

The doctor nod. "Yeah, his brain isn't working, but he's still alive."

I sigh. 'I guess could use my magic to find out what happened...I can't hide it forever.'

"Can everyone leave the room, I know what to do." I ask.

The doctors give me a weird look. "Why should we?"

"I need the room to be empty so I can help Jerome." I say.

"What can you do that we can't?" Another doctor asks.

I sigh and shut the door.

"If I show you all this, you can't tell anyone." I say.

The doctors give me a scared look, but nod.

I close my eyes and hold my hand out.

The doctors gasp and I open my eyes.

In my hand is a purple flame. "No one can know about this."

They nod and leave the room.

After the door closes I walk over to Jerome's bedside.

'Please think this is a dream.' I pray as I prepare to talk to Jerome telepathically.

"Jerome? can you hear me?" I ask him through telepathy.

No response.

I sigh and place my hands on his arm.

My eyes close and I focus on the spell I need to use.

The door creaks open as I do, making my eyes shoot open and I move my hands.

"Hey Seto." Mitch says, entering the room.

"Hey Mitch. Calm down a little?" I ask.

"No, I'm still p*ssed as the nether, but I'll calm down soon. The blacksmith said that I'd have to wait a while till another Betty will be ready." he mumbles joining me by Jerome's bed.

"The doctors said he's brain dead... What does that mean?" he asks.

"His brain isn't functioning, but he's still alive."

"So what your saying is, he's alive, but will never be able to move or function again?"

I nod. "I hope that's not the case, but yeah."

Mitch sighs and grabs Jerome's paw.

As if Mitch were some sort of cure, Jerome's eyes shoot open.

He starts to thrash around and claws at Mitch, hitting him and cutting deep into his stomach.

He gasps as his white tank top starts to turn a crimson red.

"Help!" I call, holding Jerome back.

He growls at me and tries to break free of my tight grasp.

The doctors from before rush in and swarm Mitch on the ground.

"He's loosing blood fast, get him on the gurney." one of the doctors says.

I look around the infirmary and find a sleeping potion.

I grab it and force Jerome to drink it.

He whimpers and his unusually grey eyes roll into the back of his head.

He slumps in my arms and I lay him on the bed.

"Put him in restraints, now." I demand a nurse that had walked in on the chaos.

She nods and finds some leather restraints.

"Get chain ones. He'll break these with ease." I say.

The nurse nods again and runs out of the room, only to return a second later with chain restraints.

We tie them to Jerome's wrists, and ankles.

After we finish with Jerome, I turn my attention to Mitch, who's bed is hidden behind sheets.

"We'll loose him to blood loss! we need to do something fast!" A doctor exclaims.

I run to my secret room and grab a clear-like potion, then rush back to the infirmary.

"I have a healing potion." I say, barging into the surgery.

"It looks like water though." a doctor protests.

"It'll save his life, make him drink it." I demand.

One doctor grabs the bottle and forces the liquid down Mitch's throat.

The heart monitor flat lines and all the doctors glare at me.

I hold up a finger, telling them to wait, and the heart monitor speeds up to a normal heart rate.

Mitch's stomach stitches itself back together and he gasps for air.

He shoots up in the bed and his eyes pop open.

"What... happened?" he pants.

"Jerome attacked you." A doctor says, pointing at the restrained bacca.

"Wha- Why?" he asks.

"Sky did something to him. His eyes weren't the same as before... I'll be right back." I grumble, walking out of the infirmary and into my room.

I open my secret room and lock the door behind me.

My spell book hovers over my desk and I walk over to it.

"What did Sky do to Jerome." I mutter, flipping through the pages of the ancient book.

Mitch's POV

I watch Seto walk briskly out of the room and sit back against the pillows of the hospital bed.

"How are you feeling Mitch?" a nurse asks.

"I'm fine, can I have some water?" I ask.

She nods and leaves me alone with Jerome.

He starts to stir and instantly starts thrashing around.

"You won't get out of those, I've seen you try before." I mumble, making Jerome look at me with a low growl.

"Hey, I didn't put those there." I say, then I chuckle.

"What am I doing? Jerome can't even hear me."

I look over at the poor bacca still trying to break free of the chains and sigh.

"Jerome, please fight through it. I know your still in there, Please."

His grey eyes meet mine and I see the same feelings I saw before blacking out.


I collapse to the ground from the pain, Jerome crawling to deal the finishing blow.

Seto reacts quickly and grabs Jerome, yelling for the doctors.

Jerome and my eyes lock and it breaks my heart.

His eyes are filled with hatred and disgust, but I look deeper and see confusion and loss.

'What happened to you up there?' I wonder, then black out.

He growls at me and continues to fight the chains.

I sigh and lean back against the pillows.

"Remember how we met?" I ask.

Jerome seems to hesitate for a minute, then goes back to fighting.

"That's a day I never want to take back. It's the reason I hate Herobrine so much."

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