Ch.17: Powers?

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Thank y'all for 200 reads! Y'all rock! Also thanks for 700 reads on Obsessed! (it's on 1D_and_TC's account bc me and a friend are writing it together... it's half 1D and half Team Crafted fan fic so if you like either of those feel free to check it out #shamelessplug)

Mitch's POV

"I'm so done with you." I mumble as the last of the ropes burn away.

"Your stuck with me."

"You know what? I don't ca-" I pause, a soft swoosh from the other side of the room grabbing my attention.

"What's wrong Mitchell?"

I look over at the empty bed next to me and sigh.

"Sky, I know your in here."

He appears next to me, his head down in shame.

"Hey Mitch." he mumbles.

"Adam? your back?" I ask, shocked.

"No sh*t Sherlock."

"Shut it Devon."

Sky shoots me a confused look.

"I did that didn't I?" he whimpers, sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Herobrine did, not you."

"Mitch, what all happened while He was in control?"

I don't respond.

"You put me inside him. I have a lot of power at my disposal now thanks to you."

"Notch d*mb it Devon stop it!"


"It's my name."

"Is that why your eyes are red?"

I try to nod, but I shake my head instead.

"No, his eyes are red because his powers are returning."

"Powers?" Sky asks.

"We're not going through this again."


"Yes again, while you were out I had started explaining his powers but he didn't want to hear it."

"Thank you for making me sound like I'm addressing myself as if I were another person."

"Anytime Mitchell."

"Why does everyone call me that? My name is Mitch. Not Mitchell."

"Mitch. This is really creeping me out."

"Your not the first." Jerome says as he walks in.

"How'd you get out of those ropes?" he asks.

I, involuntarily, hold the palm of my hand towards the ceiling and a small flame appears in it.

"That's not all he can do either. He just needs to practice using his powers."

"I'm not going to practice using my powers because I don't have any. Never have, never will."

"So stubborn. Oh well, it's an easy fix."

"I swear to Notch if you do anything to me."

"What will you do? I'm the dominate one."

"He does have a point Mitch." Adam says.

I sigh and try to push him to the back of my head.

"So changing the subject, What all do you remember Sky?" I ask.

"Nothing past passing out on the floor. What happened to Seto?"

"He's in a coma for trying to help you."

'I'm done. So done.'

"Helping me?" Sky asks.

"Yes. He tried to kick Herobrine out."

"How do you know this and I not?" I ask.

"The same way I know about your powers. Magic."

I roll my eyes and lean back against the pillows.

"This is really freaking me out." Jerome says.


"Well I'll just leave. It's clear you two both don't want to see me like this anyway." I growl, gripping the chain necklace tighter and standing up.

"Mitch that's not what we meant."

"Jerome. I need a minute." I mumble, brushing past him and walking into my room.

"That went well."

I let out a frustrated sigh and sit on my bed, staring at the dog tags on the chain.

'Why would they keep something like that from me?'

"They wanted to protect you."

"From what? Why do you know so much about my past?" I growl.

"They wanted to protect you from Herobrine. They knew one day he'd try to kidnap you and raise you as his own so that when he finally possessed Sky, he'd be unstoppable."

"You haven't answered my other question."

"All answers will come in time."

I curse under my breath and run my thumb over my faded parents' names.

"You miss them don't you?"

"No sh*t Sherlock." I growl, imitating him.

"Sorry for asking."

"Why can't you just talk to me through my mind so the other people around me don't have to hear our conversations?"

"Your mind is still rejecting me."

"Rejecting you?"

"The dog tags put this 'spell' on your mind that wouldn't allow any spells or... spirits into your body."

"So that's why magic has never worked on me before."

"Yup. It's also why I can't talk to you through your thoughts."

"You said you'd take control from time to time... what did you mean by that?"

"I'll take control to help you out of tough situations, but your powers are only controlled by me."


"Do you ever stop asking questions?"


He sighs "I can control your magic because you don't know how to yet. The more you learn, the more you control."

"Okay, so I have one more question."

"Ask away."

"Did Herobrine make you?"

"I thought you might ask that..."

"Well are you going to answer?"

"No he didn't make me..."

"Then what did?"

"That was your one last question."

"Answer me." I growl.

"You should probably get some rest, the sun is setting."

"I'm not tired."

"Don't make me do this Mitchell."

"My name is Mitch."

He sighs and a feeling of exhaustion hits me.

"What'd you do?" I yawn.

He doesn't respond as my eyelids become heavy.

"Night Mitchell." he whispers as it becomes too hard for me to fight back and I fall asleep.

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