Ch.13: The Village

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Early update bc I have volleyball tryouts this morning and afternoon and tomorrow morning and afternoon... Enjoy :)

Skybrine's POV

I teleport away before the mortals can react and find myself in a village near the Sky Army Castle.

'Perfect. Time to start some chaos'

"Please don't hurt these people. They're innocent." the mortal begs.

'Sky, those people are not innocent. They destroyed to beautiful landscape for their homes and shelters. They deserve what I'm about to do.'

"Please stop this Herobrine. I'll give you my kingdom, just don't do it."

I smirk and walk through the streets of the village, people waving and smiling towards me as I walk.

A small tug on my shirt makes me stop near the town center.

"Mr. King." A sweet and quiet voice squeals.

I look down and find a little girl, not older than 5, with a rose in her hand.

"Why hello there sweetie.
Please call me Sky." I say as I bend down to pat her head, my voice dripping with false kindness.

"I found this near the town borders for you." she smiles brightly, handing me the rose.

I return the smile and take the small crimson flower.

"May! it's time for dinner!" a man calls from a house.

"Okay daddy!" she calls, turning to run but I stop her.

"You shouldn't have gone out of the borders." I growl, pulling out a diamond sword and silting her throat.

The man screams as he watches his daughter's blood spatter all over the rose she gave me.

I throw it carelessly on top of her body and face the awestruck father.

"King Sky?" he exclaims.

"Good evening sir. It feels kinda hot out here doesn't it?" I ask.

The man starts to storm over to me, but crumples to the ground as his clothes erupt into flames.

"Jarred!" a woman yells, running from the same house this man had come from moments ago.

As soon as she steps into the sunlight, her clothes catch fire and she falls to the ground.

A smirk makes it's way to my face again as I watch their house start to burn.

"Why are you doing this?" the mortal cries.

'Because I can and no one can stop me.'

"Seto can."

'He thinks he can.'

"I know he can."

I roll my eyes and push the mortal to the back of my mind.

"Sky what is wrong with you?!" someone shouts at me.

I turn and find a mob of angry villagers facing me with swords in their hands.

"I'm sorry, is that anyway to talk to your king?" I ask mockingly, flying into the air and smirking down on them.

The crowd gasps and one man steps forward.

The man appears to be in his 60's and has grey hair and a long beard.

"This isn't right. You've said it yourself 'We are all equal'."

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