Ch.8: The Battle

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Mitch's POV

The sound of swords clashing fills my ears as I block another powerful blow from Skybrine.

"I've been waiting for this for a while now." Skybrine says, taking another swing aimed at my chest.

I sidestep and it misses. "I thought I'd be fighting Herobrine, not Herobrine possessing my best friend."

"It's a win loose situation. I get a chance to kill you and your forced to kill your best friend to survive."

"I'm aware of the situation, you don't have to remind me." I growl, blocking another attack aimed at my head.

"Then why don't you give in? I know that you don't want to kill your friend."

"I want you too feel the pain I felt when you killed my family. Those days were a mistake on your part. They made me stronger." I say, taking a swing at his chest.

It misses, but hits his arm.

He yells out in pain and drops the sword.

"One bad thing about possessing a mortal is you feel their pain for them." I spit, holding my sword at his neck.

He smirks and the sword flies to his hand.

Before I can react, he thrusts it into my shoulder.

I yelp and my sword drops with my limp arm.

"Doesn't feel good, does it?" he asks, pulling the sword out of my shoulder.

I scream in pain and drop to my knees.

"Any last words Mitchell?"

I don't say anything, watch his wound close as if it had never happened and hear an evil chuckle.

"Night night Mitch." he says, the sword making a swoosh sound as it comes down.

I close my eyes and prepare for death, but open them when it never comes.

Skybrine's hand is out stretched in front of my face, a smirk planted on his.

"Take my hand." he says.

I glare at him.

"Why should I? why don't you just finish me off like you said you would all those years ago."

"I could just leave you here to die, if that's what you want."

I sigh and lift my left arm up to grab his hand, since my right arm won't move.

Pain erupts through my injured shoulder when my hand contacts his.

I call out in pain and my eyes squeeze shut.

When the pain subsides I open my eyes and glare up at him.

"What was that?" I growl.

"Look at your shoulder."

Reluctantly, I look over at my right shoulder and find it completely healed.

"How?" I whisper, looking back up at Skybrine.

"Stand up."

I stand and stare at my, now movable, arm.

"How'd you heal me? magic has never affected me before."

"I'm stronger now. I'm stronger than your sorcerer friend and maybe even stronger than Notch."

"No one can be stronger than Notch." I mumble.

His smirk falls and pain flows through my arm.

That's when I realize my hand is still in his.

I pull it away and the pain stops.

"It's either my new strength, or an item of some sort could've broken resulting in your immunity to magic being removed."

"What item are you suggesting? I don't have anything I keep with me all the time except for my jacket and Seto's tried using his magic on me without it."

"I know about those dog tags so don't try hiding them from me Mitchell."

My eyes widen and I take a step back.

"How'd you know about them? Not even Jerome knows about them." I growl.

"I have my ways." he grins.

"Why'd you heal my shoulder."

"I will answer all your questions on one condition."

I eye him suspiciously.

"If you agree to be my personal slave, I'll answer all your questions."

"Why would I take orders from the sick b*stard who killed my family?" I growl.

"I wouldn't be yelling at me quite yet. Follow me." he says, walking through an archway.

I sheath my diamond sword and reluctantly follow.

He takes me though a maze of hallways and soon we're in a dungeon.

"Second cell to the left at the end of the hallway." He says, stopping in front of me.

I shoot him a confused look and walk over to the cell.

What I see makes my jaw drop and I stand there, speechless.

"Mitch? Is that really you?"

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