Ch.12: Escape

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Ty's POV

"You good Mitch?" I ask, killing another pigman.

"I thi-" Mitch starts, but cuts himself off with a grunt.

I run over to him as he lands next to Jerome and Seto's unconscious bodies. "What's wrong Mitch?"

"My name's Mitchell." he growls, grabbing his sword.

I block his attack and knock him out with the hilt of my sword.

'That was close.' I think, killing a pigman that had snuck up on me.

"We need to fix Mitch when we get back!" I call out to the team as they fight.

"We need to leave or we'll get overwhelmed. What do we do about Mitch, Jerome and Seto?" Ian asks, decapitating a skeleton.

"I'll get Seto." I say.

"Wait, does anyone have an invisible potion?" Quentin asks.

I pat my pockets with a frown, then check Seto's.

"Seto had one, gather around." I say.

"Okay, Ty grab Seto, Jason grab Jerome and Quentin grab Mitch. I'll clear the way for us and throw the invisible potion." Ian says.

"Sounds like a plan. Hurry and throw it." Jason says after we all grab the person we're assigned to carry.

Ian throws the potion on the ground and we all disappear.

"Charge the portal!" Ian yells, a path clearing through the mob of skeletons and pigman.

I run through, hoping not to run into anyone, and make it past the mob.

"Is everyone here?" Ian whispers.

"Yeah." I say.

"Yup." Jason replies.

"Butts, Mitch is heavy." Quentin complains with a grunt.

"C'mon, let's get out of here." Ian says.

I nod and run to the portal just as the potion wears off.

"Ty, we can see you." Quentin whispers.

"I know." I reply as the world starts to spin and the nether turns into the overworld.

When the spinning stops, my friends reappear, their bodies covered in blood and scratches.

"We need to hurry before Mitch wakes up or we'll have some trouble." I say, starting to run towards the castle.

"Ty! wait up for us!" Quentin calls.

I slow down a little and let the others catch up.

"What happened to Seto?" Ian asks.

"He was healing Jerome's side then passed out." I reply.

"Guys, Mitch is starting to wake up." Quentin says, worry clear in his voice.

Someone groans and Mitch speaks up. "What happened?"

"Knock him out, I don't want him turning again." I order.

Jason reacts first and elbows Mitch's forehead, knocking him out cold instantly.

"Ty! what happened to Mitch, Jerome and Seto?" Dan calls from the castle gates.

"Get them to the infirmary and put Mitch in restraints quickly." I command, rushing past him and into the castle.

Sky and Dead army recruits give us worried looks as we run by.

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