Ch.10: The Nether

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Jerome's POV

"They're in the nether." Seto says, a purple light fading from his eyes.

"The nether? out of all the places in Minecraftia, it has to be the nether?" Quentin asks.

"At least it's not the end." Ty says with a slight shrug.

"Jerome you okay? your being really quiet." Quentin asks.

I shake my head and sit on the ground.

"My best friend is gone. How can I be okay when I just got him back? Especially after I hurt him." I mumble.

Ty sits next to me and rubs my back.

"I know how you feel. Sky was my best friend too, until Herobrine had to posses him." he says.

"How are you taking this so well?" I ask, facing him.

He looks me in the eyes.

"I'm honestly terrified. I'm scared that Adam will never be the same. Knowing that he's still in there gives me hope to keep fighting for him. I know Mitch will be fine, you've just got to believe that he's okay and keep fighting." he says.

"Thanks Ty. You and Mitch are really good with words you know that?" I ask.

"When I need to be I am, Mitch on the other hand never knows when to shut up." Ty chuckles, earning a punch to the arm from me.

"Hey it's true!" he says.

I roll my eyes. "We need to build a nether portal."

"We don't have any diamonds for pick and we don't have any obsidian." Jason points out.

"Well then." I say getting up off the ground. "Let's go mining."

~Hours Later~

"So how many diamonds do we have combined?" Quentin asks.

"Enough for everyone to have full diamond armor and swords. Can you enchant them Seto?" Ty asks.

Seto nods. "Yeah, I can enchant your armor too. I'll need a little time to regain the energy I used, but I'll be able to fight."

"Okay, so let's get ready to go." Ian says.

~15 Minutes Later~

"Ready to go?" I ask, holding my diamond axe tightly.

Everyone nods or grunts in agreement and Seto lights the portal.

"For Team Crafted!" Jason shouts, running through the portal.

"For Team Crafted!" we yell, running into the portal after him.

'We're coming Biggums, just hold on.'

Skybrine's POV

"My plan is almost complete. Soon, I'll have the Canadian wrapped around my finger, just like you." I say with a smirk.

"You won't get away with this Herobrine. I won't let you win." the mortal's annoying voice says in my mind.

"I already have, Sky. There's nothing you can do. Once your little friends walk through the portal, he'll be too far gone for anyone to save."

My vision starts to blur a little as an unexpected pain erupts in my head.

"Having a little trouble Herobrine?" the mortal says, a smirk clear in his voice.

"Shut up, your waisting your energy."

With a frustrated huff, the mortal disappears into the back of my mind.

'Finally, now back to manipulating the Canadian.'

He walks into the room with pork chops and steak in his hands.

"Here's your assortment of meat sir." he says sarcastically.

"What did I tell you about defying me?" I ask, shocked that he still could act freely.

He smirks. "I told you I was made stronger by watching the ones I love die."

'Sh*t, didn't think he was serious about that.'

I sigh. 'Lets offer him something he can't refuse.'

"Do you want to see your family again? for real this time."

He eyes me suspiciously, placing the meat on a table in the corner of the room.

"I highly doubt you have my family alive." He growls, his hands balling into fists.

"Your right, I don't. But I could allow you to see your friends again."

"I don't want anything from you m-" he pauses again.

'So he is ready...'

My face twists into a smirk as I stare at the confused boy.

"What was that Mitchell?" I ask tauntingly.

His hands ball into tighter fists and he appears to struggle to keep his mouth shut.

"What is it? spit it out."

He grunts in pain and grabs his head.

"What are you doing to him!" the mortal's voice yells.

'You'll see soon enough.'

"Come on, spit it out Mitchell. I know you want to."

He let's out another yell of pain and falls to his knees.

"What's h-happening to m-me?" he grunts.

"What was it that you were going to say Mitchell? m..." I taunt, my smirk twisting into a sly grin.

He mumbles something I don't catch.

"Speak up Mitchell, no one likes a mumbler."

"M-M-Master." he stutters, yelling out in pain as the word slips out.

His balled up body falls limply to the side and I snicker smugly to myself.

"What'd you do to him?" The mortal yells.

'It's all over now.'

The boy's body floats up into the air, a red light enveloping his body as he floats.

"Arise and serve your new master."

The red light intensifies and he screams in agony.

His screams fade as the light dims till it's nonexistent and he falls to the earth, landing on his knees.

I chuckle evilly and teleport a couple of blocks in front of him.

Using his hands for support, he sits on his knees, his head down and his breathing heavy.

"What do you need Master." He asks once his breathing regulated.

"No!" the mortal yells.

I smirk and cross my arms, staring down at my work with approval.

Before I'm able to say my first command, a furry creature with fully enchanted diamond armor and a diamond axe appears at the throne room entrance, followed by a sorcerer and a group of well armored mortals.

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