Ch.16: Devon

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Mitch's POV

I stare at my reflection in the mirror and try my best to hold in another scream, my crimson red eyes wide in horror.

"What happened to your eyes?" Jerome asks, worry clear in his voice.

"I happened." I say, involuntarily.

Jerome gasps and takes a step back, shocked by my voice change.

"What was that?" I ask, my voice normal again.

"That was me using you to communicate." I say, my voice deep and dark like before.

"Biggums your creeping me out." Jerome says.

"I'm not trolling ya. It's freaking me out too."

"I'm sorry, but it's going to be like this for a while... also I might take control from time to time."

I gasp and a surge of power makes me fight the restraints.

"Mitch, we need help." Jerome says, his eyes wide.

I nod and the power goes away.

"That's only a piece of what I can do Mitchell." It growls.

"What are you?" Jerome asks.

"Call me Devon."

"Sounds like demon." I mutter, cringing as a wave of pain flows through my head.

"It's my name, deal with it."

"This is seriously starting to annoy me." I say.

"You don't say?" Devon says.

"Mitch what are we going to do? the others will think you're severely bipolar."

"I'll deal with that later. Right now, we need to worry about Sky and Seto."

"The sorcerer is in a coma. He tried to remove Herobrine from your friend and ended up like that." Devon says.

"Stop doing that!" I growl.

"Can't, sorry." Devon says, making me shrug.

"Oh so you have control whenever you talk. That's nice to know." I growl.

"Mitch calm down."

"Jerome how can I calm down? There's a demon inside me-" I grunt as my muscles tense again.

"Dammit Devon, stop it." I growl.

"Sorry I'm not sorry. It's my job."

I curse under my breath and force myself to relax again.

"What do we do when the others come back?" Jerome asks.

"Not tell them about him."

"Tell them about me." Devon and I say at the same time.

"For Notch sake stop it." I yell.

"I'm going to see if someone stayed behind. You good Mitch?" Jerome asks.

"I'll be fine." I grumble.

"He's in good hands."

"Quiet you."

Jerome shrugs and leaves the room.

I sigh and lean back against the pillows of my cot.

"Now it's just you and me."

"Oh shut it will you? I'd like to use my own mouth thank you very much." I growl.

"Someone's grouchy."

"If I could glare at you right now I would be doing it."

A foul smell fills my nose and I sniff the air.

"What's that *sniff* it smells like *sniff* something's burning?"

"Don't look now, but your on fire."

Sure enough, I look down at my hands and they're burning through the restraints.

"No no no no no no!" I exclaim.

"Just because your in ropes, doesn't mean you can hold me back."

"Your doing this?!"

"No sh*t Sherlock."

"Jerome! Hurry up!" I call as the rope starts to break apart.

"He won't help you now. Your powers are mine to control."

"What powers?"

"You don't know about your own powers? This makes my job harder."

"What powers?" I growl.

"The powers you were born with. C'mon this is pathetic."

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Of course you don't! Your stupid dog tags held them in."

'Did my parents know about this the whole time?'

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