Story Idea No.2

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Name: The Magical War

Vote: Yes or No

???'s POV

I mumble the words to the spell as I stand over my book of magic.

'This is it.' I think. 'This is my chance to prove myself to my father.'

I finish the spell and a ball of purple dust forms in my hands.

The dust flies out of my hands and out the window, to my target.

"Good work, my dear. Soon you will have him, and his friends will be dancing in the palm of you hand." my father says from behind me.

I turn to face his white eyes, glowing with pleasure and happiness.

"Thank you, I have to go. My boyfriend needs me for something." I say.

My father nods and I teleport myself to my computer.

Adam's POV

"Why Adam?!" Dawn cries through skype.

"For the lawls Dawn." I say in between laughs.

She starts crying as she looks at her now destroyed house and tower.

I manage to pull myself together long enough to tell Dawn that I had backed up the world.

"I hate you!" she yells.

"Whelp, that was minepranks! I hope you all enjoyed. I'll see you all later recruits." I say my outro and end my recording.

"Why would you do that Adam? I thought you loved me." Dawn jokes, pulling herself together.

"I-" I get cut off by a nock at my door.

"One sec Dawn." I say, getting up and walking to the door.

I open it and the last thing I see is a person with glowing blue eyes in the doorway before everything goes black.


Seto's POV

I sit on my bed, lost in my world of depression and betrayal, staring out my bedroom door.

'Why would they kick me out? what did I do wrong?'

I sigh and lean back, allowing myself to lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

'What did I do?'

Suddenly my window burst open and a purple dust envelopes my feet.

I gasp and try to move away, but I don't move.

The purple dust slowly starts to make it's way up my body and pretty soon, it's under my chin.

"Help!" I yell to no one as the dust covers the rest of my body and I black out.


I groan, my head pounding, and sit up on the bed.

'Wait a minute.'

I realize that I'm no longer in my room, but in a different bedroom.

I start to panic as I remember what had happened before I passed out.

A purple aurora forms on my body from my chin down.

A girl walks into the room followed by a man with glowing white eyes.

The girl has a white tank top on, short denim shorts and brown boots that go half up her calf. She has soft brown hair and almost hypnotic blue eyes.

"Morning Sorcerer." she greets.

I don't respond, not knowing how to in the first place, and just stare blankly at the two people in front of me.

The man frowns and a searing pain erupts in my head.

I wince and grunt, making the man's frown turn into a small grin.

"Respond to my daughter when she speaks." he says, his voice scratchy and tough.

I swallow hard. "Hi." I say sheepishly.

She smiles and walks out of the room.

The father gives me a glare before leaving the room as well.

'Your new life as my daughter's slave starts tomorrow.' the man's voice booms in my head.

I swallow hard and stare at the door.

'Today is not my day.'

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