Ch.15: Skybrine's visit

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I made Freshman team! Yay! Sorry y'all probably don't care so... On with the story!

Mitch's POV

"Jerome, No!" I yell as he slumps on the ground.

Skybrine's eyes shine brighter in pleasure as he watches me struggle.

"You really care about him don't you?" He asks as he walks over to my bedside and grabs my shin.

My body tenses and my eyes snap shut at the sudden surge of power that flows through my veins.

"S-Stop it p-please." I beg.

"You like this don't you?"

I have to admit, feeling all this power felt pretty nice, but I know that nothing good can come from it.

"I know you like it. I can see it."

"I-I'm not enjoying t-this."

There's a boom and a crack as his hand leaves my leg.

I open my eyes and relax as the feeling leaves my body, then look at the scene.

Seto is standing over Skybrine, his eyes glowing a vibrant purple, as he watches Skybrine writhe around in pain on the floor.

"Don't mess with my friends." Seto growls, the glow in his eyes increasing.

Skybrine let's out a scream before going motionless on the ground.

A flash of light fills the room as he does and Seto falls to the ground next to him.

"Seto?" I ask, looking down at him.

I hear a moan and Jerome starts to stir.

"What happened?" he asks, rubbing his head.

"I don't know..." I trail off.

"What's Seto doing in here?"

"He's been in here. I thought he was asleep though." I mumble.

(Jason was released before Mitch woke up and after Etho was killed... Again, sorry to Etho fans.)

He stands up and walks over to me.

"Don't undo the restraints just yet. I don't know what he did while you were out."

He nods and puts Skybrine and Seto on the other cots.

"Why didn't you tell me about those dog tags?" Jerome asks, sitting in a chair next to my bed.

"My parents told me to not let anyone know about them, but they didn't say why. They're really special to me now that they're gone..." I trail off as I stare at the melted off words.

Another surge of power flows through my veins and makes my body tenses up.

I relax again and let out a long sigh. "I wish it didn't have to be like this Biggums."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I wish it wasn't a fight to keep myself under control. I wish I could just walk out of here and be fine like any normal person."

He pats my shoulder reassuringly.

"You'll be able to soon Biggums."

I sigh again. "I hope."

"We should put Sky in restraints, just incase he tries to escape." Jerome suggests.

I nod. "Yeah, we probably should. Can you let me out of these? I don't think Herobrine will try anything 'funny' while he's passed out."

"Yeah, let me know if they need to come back on though."

I nod as Jerome unties my wrists and ankles.

"It feels good to be out of those." I say rubbing my wrists.

"I bet, you've been in them for a while."

I chuckle and slide off the cot.

"Should we get those restraints that Seto used before Sky was possessed?" Jerome asks.

I nod and he leaves the room.

'Herobrine will pay.' the little boy says in my head.

I shake it and his voice fades away, then look over at Sky.

"We'll get you out of there." I whisper.

A surge of power flows through me again and I fall to the ground, clutching my head as I do.

"Mitch I got the-" Jerome pauses at the sight of me on the ground.

"Put the restraints back on." I growl through gritted teeth, the power turning into an unbearable pain.

He acts quickly, helping me up on to the cot and attaching the restraints to my wrists.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Put those on Sky." I grunt, the pain increasing and my eyes snapping shut.

He rushes over to Skybrine's bed and places the ropes on his wrists and ankles.

"Biggums keep fighting."

The pain increases and I let out a yell.

Then, as fast as the pain had started, it stops all at once.

I relax, breathing heavily, and keep my eyes closed.

"Mitch?" Jerome asks.

"That was the worst thing, ever." I pant, opening my eyes.

Jerome's face twists into a look of horror and he backs away slowly.

"What's wrong Biggums?" I ask.

He hands me a mirror.

What I see makes me scream in shock and disbelief.

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