Ch.1: Herobrine

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Sky's POV

Pain erupted throughout my body as I laid on the ground of the cell.

"Get up." Herobrine's demonic voice demanded.

Involuntarily, my eyes shot open and I stood.

Herobrine smirked and walked in a circle around me.

I tried to turn and face him, but I was frozen in place.

"What did you do to me?" I growled.

"Nothing... Yet." He muttered.

"What do you want?"

He stopped in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

I mumbled a curse under my breath and fought to gain control.

Herobrine scoffed and a small grin spread across his face.

"This is fun, watching the person the whole overworld praises, struggle to move a single centimeter."

I ignored him and focused on breaking free.

"This mortal really thinks he can break free." Herobrine thought aloud.

"Let me go." I grunted.

"What fun would there be in that?"

"Fight me like a real man." I spat, earning an amused smile from the Demigod.

"You're challenging a god?"

"You're no god to me." I spat, my words filled with venom.

His smile dropped instantly and his eyes flashed a bright white.

Pain ripped through my head, making me groan in agony.

"I barely even have to think and you could be on your knees before me. What makes you think I'm not a god?"

I glared at Herobrine as the pain subsided.

"Where are my friends?"

"Somewhere safe. You'll be able to see them again, don't worry. Now. About that gift."

He took a step forward and placed a glowing white hand on my chest, sending a powerful feeling through my veins.

"You like that don't you?" Herobrine asked with a sly grin.

"Maybe." I mumbled reluctantly.

"This is just a taste of what you can have by my side."

"I don't want your powers. I don't need anything you can offer me." I spat, struggling again.

He sighed and his hand glowed brighter, making the feeling more intense.

"Having trouble fighting back the greed aren't you?"

"N-No." I stuttered, the power overwhelming me.

"Your fighting a loosing battle Sky. Resistance is futile."

"If you think I'm a power hungry freak then your wrong. I'm not going to betray my friends or my kingdom over some stupid powers."

"Your will is strong, which I admire, but greed is a stronger force no matter how strong your will is."

Our eyes locked suddenly and I felt my eyes change, followed by a pain that floods my body.

I collapsed to my knees as Herobrine's hand stopped glowing.

"You lose Sky. I'll let your friends know that the budder god has fallen."

And with that, I felt something harden and the pain stopped.

I stood and looked Herobrine in the eyes.

"Master." I whispered, kneeling at his feet.

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