Ch.7: Possessed

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Seto's POV

I watch Sky as he slowly stands up and glares at all of us with his now soulless eyes.

"Sky?" Ian asks.

"Sky is no longer with us." He says, his voice mixed between his and Herobrine's.

"Herobrine's possessing him." I growl, grabbing my sword's hilt from under my cloak.

"SetoSorcerer. You have a very powerful aurora surrounding you." Skybrine says, facing me. (I'm calling him Skybrine now to avoid confusion)

He tilts his head to the side and eyes me curiously.

"Your a sorcerer, aren't you?" he asks.

Before I can say no, two purple balls of fire appear in my hands.

I look down at them in awe, then back at Skybrine.

"What'd you do?"

"Thanks to your strong willed friend here, I can force you to use your magic if I want. Not so strong now are you?" he smirks.

I put my hands in my pockets and put my bracelet on my wrist.

"Try it again, I dare you." I smirk.

He chuckles and his eyes dig into mine.

I feel a spell forming in my mind, but no magic comes out.

"Not so strong now are you?" I spit, mimicking his tone.

"I see what you did. You put a spell locked rope bracelet on your wrist. That's cheating." he fake pouts, then the bracelet flies off my wrist and into Sky's hand.

"Now, let's have some fun." he smirks, making me use my magic to lift everyone in the air.

"Seto!" Jason calls out.

"I can't control my magic, I'm sorry guys." I say.

I look around the mass of people in the air and realize that Mitch is still on the ground.

"Now, we can battle." Skybrine says, pulling out a diamond sword.

Mitch swallows hard and raises his fists.

"This isn't fair you know." He says.

Skybrine sighs and throws him the sword, another one appearing in his hands afterwards.

"Let's fight."

They start fighting and I turn my attention back to my friends in the air.

I fight Herobrine's spell and try to lower them, but only move them about an inch.

"Seto, help us down!" Ty yells.

"I'm... trying. It's harder than it looks. Herobrine has gotten a lot stronger." I grunt.

The team shouts words of encouragement to me as I try to pull them back to the earth, but I can't help but notice Jerome's attention isn't leaving the battle below.

I look over at Skybrine and Mitch and find Mitch on the ground, a bloodied sword at his neck.

"No!" I shout holding a hand up.

A small purple ball of fire flies out of my hand and hits Skybrine's arm.

The small ball sends Skybrine into the wall, leaving a huge dent.

I hear multiple thuds and realize I had dropped the team.

"Sorry guys." I say, running over to Mitch.

I hold a hand down to him and help him off the ground.

"How'd you do that Seto?" Mitch pants.

"Don't know. That's not important right now." I say, making diamond swords with my magic.

I hand one to everyone and make one for myself.

"Are these..." Jerome trails off, looking at the axe I had handed him.

"Enchanted? yes. Their sharper than normal swords or axes." I say.

"How'd you.." Skybrine starts, then sakes his head. "Never mind, let's continue our battle."

Mitch and Skybrine disappear in a flash of white and we're left in silence.

"Where'd they go?" Jerome growls, his paws balled into fists.

I focus on Herobrine's aurora and my eyes widen.

"Their in the nether."

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