Ch.9: Connor?

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Mitch's POV

"Mitch? is that really you?"

"Connor?" I ask, looking through the dark cell at my 9 year old brother.

"Mitch!" he exclaims, running over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I bend down to his level and wrap my arms around him tightly.

"I missed you so much." he whispers.

I pull away and smile at him, but it fades quickly as he starts to fade away.

'What the nether?'

"Connor!" I yell, pulling him closer as if it'd keep him here with me.

I let my arms fall limply to my sides and sob as my brother disappears from existence.

"Grow up Mitchell. You knew he was dead from the beginning."

I turn and look up at Skybrine, who still has a sly grin on his face, and stand up.

"You." I growl, unsheathing my sword.

"Sick." I raise it in the air.

"Little." I swing it down, aiming for his head.

The sword stops in mid air and the next thing I know, I'm on the ground writhing in pain.

"Pathetic little mortal. Think you can fight me? not even your friend Sky is holding me back."

Fighting through the pain, I manage to pull myself into a kneeling position.

"Why would you make me believe my brother was still alive?" I seethe.

"Your smart, Mitchell, you know why."

I grunt in pain and use my sword to push myself off the ground.

"You start working now. Go to my farm and harvest the nether wart for me." he commands.

"Why should I take orders from a sick b*stard like you?" I growl.

Pain like being hit by a truck hit my chest and I fall to the ground again.

"Now go!" He demands, kicking my side.

I yelp and reluctantly walk through the hallways.

"Where's this farm he's talking about?" I mumble to myself, the pain subsiding.

I walk into an intersection with signs on the walls and read each one.

'Enchantment room. No'

'Alchemy room. No'

'Kitchen. No'

'Farm. Here it is.' I think, walking down the hallway with that sign.

The farm comes into view and I stare at it in awe.

As far as I can see there's rows and rows of nether stalk growing.

'Time to farm.' I think with a huff, tears still stinging my eyes.

~Hours Later~

"Okay, I cleaned the fortress, farmed and replanted your nether wart, made awkward potions, organized your chest room, reorganized your chest room, made you lunch... anything else m-" I say in an annoyed tone, pausing at the end.

'Was I really about I say Master?'

I shake my head and look at Skybrine.

"Go to the kitchen and get me some pork chops Mitchell."

"My names Mitch." I growl.

I hear a frustrated sigh and the scene around me changes to a jungle.

'Oh no.'

I recognize this place instantly.

"Oh notch, please not this again, please anything but this." I beg, looking around the scene.

Sadly my luck fails me and I find the one thing I don't want to see.

A young boy, about 14, sits on his knees crying over a younger boy, about 5, in his arms.

"Please don't leave me." the older boy begs.

The younger boy coughs up blood, staining the older one's jacket and face but he doesn't seem to care.

I fall to my knees as tears start to blur my vision.

Even though I know what happens next, my eyes stay glued to the poor boys.

"Why Connor?" the older one sobs. "Why."

The younger boy takes a shaky breath, then speaks his final three words. "I love you."

The older boy breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably over his dead little brother.

"Herobrine will pay." He growls through his sobs, his head hanging low over his brother's.

"He will pay." he whimpers.

He screams his little brother's name before a hilt of a sword appears behind the boy and knocks him out.

As his head falls forward, the scene changes to the nether fortress again and my hands ball into fists.

"That was cruel." I mumble.

"If you deny me again, or correct me, you'll experience much worse. Now go to the kitchen and grab me some pork."

"Yes sir." I growl sarcastically, standing off my knees and walking out of the throne room.

My hands turn white as my fists tighten, the little boys words replaying in the back of my mind.

'Herobrine will pay. Herobrine will pay.'

My breathing quickens and more tears fall out of anger and hatred.

'Herobrine will pay.'

The wither skeletons stare at me as I pass them, mumbling curses under my breath.

'Herobrine will pay.'

A pigman steps in front of me, his sword at the ready.

I walk past it and continue to curse.

'Herobrine will pay.'

I make it to the kitchen and grab the pork, grabbing a couple steak out of defiance.

'Herobrine wi-' the voice stops as I break out of my angry trance.

I fall to my knees and break down crying.

I cry not only for my current situation, but also my brother's slow and painful death.

My parents dying side by side while protecting me and my siblings.

My two sister's quick deaths.

The scar I gave to Jerome out of fear when he found me.

I cry, for my whole dammed life.

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