Ch.11: Mitch?

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Jerome's POV

We run trough the corridors and the maze of hallways till we finally find the throne room.

I freeze in the doorway of the room, staring in shock at my best friend.

"Mitch." I whimper.

Jason puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder and shoots me a warm smile.

I nod and grip my axe tighter.

Skybrine looks over at us and his sly grin falters slightly.

"Welcome to my fortress, mortals. Do you like what Mitchell did to it?"

At the sound of his name, he stands and turns to face us.

"What'd you do to Mitch." I growl, taking a step towards Skybrine.

"Mitchell, please escort our guests back to their portal. They don't belong here."

"Yes master Herobrine." he says, his voice deeper than normal.

"What did you do to my Biggums." I growl as Mitch approaches with his diamond sword.

"He didn't do anything to me Jerome." Mitch smirks. "I made this choice on my own."

"There's no way the Mitch I know would betray his friends." I sneer raising my axe in defense.

He raises his sword threateningly and pushes us back into the hallway.

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain to me why you betrayed us." I declare, stopping.

He sighs angrily and shoves me forward.

I glare at him and hold in a growl.

"What's the matter biggums? can't take a little shove?" he taunts.

"Mitch stop, this isn't you."

"My name is Mitchell." He growls and in one swift motion he pushes me up against a wall, his sword at my neck.

"Do it, I dare you." I growl.

"What fun would there be in that?"

"Jerome don't." Seto says.

"Seto, I know what I'm doing."

Mitch chuckles. "Your such an idiot Jerome. You push away your friends who are trying to help save your skin."

"Meanwhile, I'm trying to save my best friend from a life full of regret and pain for doing the things your doing right now." I spit.

He pushes his sword closer to my throat. "Don't test me Jerome, I won't hesitate to kill you."

I glare at him and stare into his eyes. "Do it, without you I have nothing left to love for."

I raise my arms so my body make a cross shape. "Do it."

The look of pure hatred flickers from his eyes and the sword loosens.

"Jerome?" he whimpers.

I smile and pull him into a hug.

"Welcome back Biggums." I whisper.

I pull away and a sword appears over his head.

Before I can react the hilt of the sword hits him and he passes out, then the sword pins me against the wall.

"What did you do?" Skybrine growls, his white eyes digging into mine.

I smirk. "I told the truth."

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